Duplicate HTTP Port Declarations For Different Bind IPs Produces SELinux Duplicate Resource Declaration Error #120
Affected Module versions/distributions
- Module version: v2.0.0
How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you use)
squid::http_port { "": ssl => true, }
squid::http_port { "": ssl => true, }
What are you seeing
We have a use case of hosting about a dozen different proxy servers with one squid instance. Each server is bound to a different IP with different certs but the same port number. A Selinux::Port resource is declared for every http_port instance. If you have the same port number bound to different ips, this produces a duplicate resource declaration error and a failure to compile.
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Duplicate declaration: Selinux::Port[selinux port squid_port_t 443] is already declared at (file: <...>/modules/squid/manifests/http_port.pp, line: 54); cannot redeclare (file: <...>/modules/squid/manifests/http_port.pp, line: 54) (file: <...>/modules/squid/manifests/http_port.pp, line: 54, column: 5)
What behavior did you expect instead
The squid module should be able to handle multiple server declarations for the same port on different IPs.
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