Enum conversion to a Hash breaks Schema Validation #93
I'm using this guy to do some fairly complex validations. I can give you some sample JSON and a schema it should properly validate on, and does here: http://json-schema-validator.herokuapp.com/, but does not on the master branch here. It works on https://github.com/apsoto/json-schema. So something regressed between merging the fix he provided for "oneOf" and the other commits.
Schema: https://gist.github.com/dkowis/9240d79f1126c8b495a1
Payload: https://gist.github.com/dkowis/ef2967f72571ecba06c3
So this validates just fine on the master branch on apsoto, but not here :( Perhaps I'll get around to git bisecting it for you, but at least this is repeatable.
Comments indicate what's wrong, but converting the Enum to a ruby Hash in commit cd7d82c causes the schema validation, when passed to :validate_schema => true
to fail.