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Vicwomg edited this page Jan 14, 2025 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the wiki! This wiki serves to host guides, tips and tricks for various use cases of pikaraoke.

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How do I display all the command line options?

pikaraoke --help

Pikaraoke command line options

Here is a snapshot (may not be up to date):

usage: pikaraoke [-h] [-p PORT] [-d DOWNLOAD_PATH [DOWNLOAD_PATH ...]]
                 [-y YOUTUBEDL_PATH [YOUTUBEDL_PATH ...]]
                 [--youtubedl-proxy YOUTUBEDL_PROXY] [-v VOLUME] [-n]
                 [-s SPLASH_DELAY] [-t SCREENSAVER_TIMEOUT] [-l LOG_LEVEL]
                 [--hide-url] [--prefer-hostname] [--hide-overlay]
                 [--hide-notifications] [--hide-splash-screen]
                 [--high-quality] [-c] [-b BUFFER_SIZE]
                 [--logo-path LOGO_PATH [LOGO_PATH ...]] [-u URL]
                 [--window-size WINDOW_SIZE] [--admin-password ADMIN_PASSWORD]
                 [--disable-bg-music] [--bg-music-volume BG_MUSIC_VOLUME]
                 [--bg-music-path BG_MUSIC_PATH [BG_MUSIC_PATH ...]]
                 [--bg-video-path BG_VIDEO_PATH [BG_VIDEO_PATH ...]]
                 [--disable-bg-video] [--disable-score]
                 [--limit-user-songs-by LIMIT_USER_SONGS_BY]
                 [--config-file-path CONFIG_FILE_PATH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Desired http port (default: 5555)
                        Desired path for downloaded songs. (default:
                        Path of youtube-dl. (default: yt-dlp)
  --youtubedl-proxy YOUTUBEDL_PROXY
                        Proxy server to use for youtube-dl, in case blocked by
                        a firewall
  -v VOLUME, --volume VOLUME
                        Set initial player volume. A value between 0 and 1.
                        (default: 0.85)
  -n, --normalize-audio
                        Normalize volume. May cause performance issues on
                        slower devices (default: False)
  -s SPLASH_DELAY, --splash-delay SPLASH_DELAY
                        Delay during splash screen between songs (in secs).
                        (default: 2 )
                        Delay before the screensaver begins (in secs). Set to
                        0 to disable screensaver. (default: 300 )
  -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Logging level int value (DEBUG: 10, INFO: 20, WARNING:
                        30, ERROR: 40, CRITICAL: 50). (default: 20 )
  --hide-url            Hide URL and QR code from the splash screen.
  --prefer-hostname     Use the local hostname instead of the IP as the
                        connection URL. Use at your discretion: mDNS is not
                        guaranteed to work on all LAN configurations. Defaults
                        to False
  --hide-overlay        Hide all overlays that show on top of video, including
                        current/next song, pikaraoke QR code and IP
  --hide-notifications  Hide notifications from the splash screen.
  --hide-splash-screen, --headless
                        Headless mode. Don't launch the splash screen/player
                        on the pikaraoke server
  --high-quality        Download higher quality video. May cause CPU, download
                        speed, and other performance issues
  -c, --complete-transcode-before-play
                        Wait for ffmpeg video transcoding to fully complete
                        before playback begins. Transcoding occurs when you
                        have normalization on, play a cdg file, or change key.
                        May improve performance and browser compatibility
                        (Safari, Firefox), but will significantly increase the
                        delay before playback begins. On modern hardware, the
                        delay is likely negligible.
  -b BUFFER_SIZE, --buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE
                        Buffer size for transcoded video (in kilobytes).
                        Increase if you experience songs cutting off early.
                        Higher size will transcode more of the file before
                        streaming it to the client. This will increase the
                        delay before playback begins. This value is ignored if
                        --complete-transcode-before-play was specified.
                        Default is: 150
  --logo-path LOGO_PATH [LOGO_PATH ...]
                        Path to a custom logo image file for the splash
                        screen. Recommended dimensions ~ 2048x1024px
  -u URL, --url URL     Override the displayed IP address with a supplied URL.
                        This argument should include port, if necessary
  --window-size WINDOW_SIZE
                        Desired window geometry in pixels for headed mode,
                        specified as width,height
  --admin-password ADMIN_PASSWORD
                        Administrator password, for locking down certain
                        features of the web UI such as queue editing, player
                        controls, song editing, and system shutdown. If
                        unspecified, everyone is an admin.
  --disable-bg-music    Disable background music on splash screen
  --bg-music-volume BG_MUSIC_VOLUME
                        Set the volume of background music on splash screen. A
                        value between 0 and 1. (default: 0.3)
  --bg-music-path BG_MUSIC_PATH [BG_MUSIC_PATH ...]
                        Path to a custom directory for the splash screen
                        background music. Directory must contain mp3 files
                        which will be randomized in a playlist.
  --bg-video-path BG_VIDEO_PATH [BG_VIDEO_PATH ...]
                        Path to a background video mp4 file. Will play in the
                        background of the splash screen.
  --disable-bg-video    Disable background video on splash screen
  --disable-score       Disable the score screen after each song
  --limit-user-songs-by LIMIT_USER_SONGS_BY
                        Limit the number of songs a user can add to queue.
                        User name 'Pikaraoke' is always unlimited (default: 0
                        = unlimited)
  --config-file-path CONFIG_FILE_PATH
                        Path to a config file to load settings from. Config
                        file settings are set in the web interface or manually
                        edited and will override command line arguments.
                        Default config.ini```