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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Build Status PyPI version codecov

Updates an IPython or IRKernel kernel spec (i.e., kernel.json file) to activate a conda environment before launching the kernel process.


  • bash (i.e., does not yet work for kernels on Windows)


pip install kernda


usage: kernda [-h] [--display-name DISPLAY_NAME] [--overwrite]
              [--env-dir ENV_DIR]

positional arguments:
  kernel.json           Path to a kernel spec

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --display-name DISPLAY_NAME
                        New display name for the kernel (default: keep the
  --overwrite, -o       Overwrite the existing kernel spec (default: False,
                        print to stdout
  --env-dir ENV_DIR     Path to the conda environment that should activate
                        (default: prefix path to the kernel in the existing
                        kernel spec file)


# modify the kernel spec in place so that it activates the conda
# environment containing the kernel binary
kernda ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/my_kernel/kernel.json -o

# print the modified kernel spec to stdout and redirect it
# to a new file
kernda /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/my_kernel/kernel.json > other_kernel.json

# modify the kernel spec in place so that it activates the
# specified conda environment
kernda ~/some_kernel.json -o --env-dir ~/envs/my_env