crumpet is a set of scripts that bundle up into an not-so-easy to use, linux-centric chroot environment that packages a working version of the chromiumos ui
Similarly to crouton, you can install it and switch between the chromiumos UI and the normal linux desktop environment at the press of a button, and enter a chroot terminal inside both
It stands for.... yeah not even gonna try
Genuinely, I have no idea! Perhaps you've grown tired of the freedom and ease of use of linux and want a worse operating system. Perhaps you want to do development for chromeOS tools and for some reason don't want to use a vm or a real machine. Maybe you just want to fuck around and have fun. Either way, crumpet is for you!
crumpet is not a very powerful tool, and there are not a lot of features, but basic usage is somewhat complicated and annoying by design laziness
First, install it obviously
git clone
cd crumpet
sudo ./crumpet install
Here's all the commands:
Usage: sudo ./crumpet [command]
activate - activates the environment. usually you want to run this before you run some of the other commands
startui - launches and switches to the chromiumos UI
enter-chroot - gives you a shell inside the chroot
inside - runs a single command inside the chroot (as root)
inside_chronos - runs a single command inside the chroot (as chronos)
Once the UI is launched, you can switch between your normal desktop and chromiumos with CTRL+ALT+1-9
If this accidentally breaks your DE, sorry about that, rm ~/.Xauthority
should fix it
If this accidentally breaks your terminal, sorry about that, sudo mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
or rebooting should fix it
I shouldn't need to explain the chroot part, it's just a standard chromiumos devimage build. The UI itself is built from ash-on-linux. DRI ended up being difficult inside a chroot so I fell back to a boring xorg kiosk for containing the UI. (see scripts/
see at your own risk