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oauthx a complete oauth2/oidc client library

WARNING: 🚧 still under construction 🚧

implements the following standards:

  • rfc6749/openid-connect-core: OAuth2/OIDC Authorization code flow
  • rfc7636: PKCE and none auth method
  • rfc6772: OAuth2 Token Introspection
  • draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-03: JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection
  • rfc7009: OAuth2 Token Revocation
  • rfc8414: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata
  • rfc6749: OAuth2 RefreshToken
  • rfc6749: client_secret_basic, client_secret_post auth method
  • rfc7523: OAuth2 private_key_jwt
  • rfc9101: JAR (request= jwt parameter)
  • rfc9126: Pushed Authorization Request (request_uri parameter)
  • rfc9396: RAR (authorization_details)
  • openid-connect-core: ID Token Validation
  • openid-connect-core: Access Token Validation
  • openid-connect-core: 5.5. Requesting Claims using the "claims" Request Parameterclaims=
  • openid-connect-core: 5.3. UserInfo Endpoint
  • openid-connect-core: 5.1. Standard Claims
  • openid-connect-discovery: /.well-known/openid-configuration
  • openid-connect-rpinitiated: RP initiated logout (endSession)


See godoc or doc dir.

Feature Examples

Creating a OAuthClient with builtin AuthMethod

Builtin AuthMethod:

  • none (default)
  • client_secret_basic
  • client_secret_post
  • private_key_jwt

See Getting Started example for more info

You can also create your own auth method by implementing a simple interface, see Custom Auth Method for an example implementation of Bearer Token Auth Method for token introspection.

Openid Connect Authorization Code Flow example

See Authorization Code Flow example for a sample implementation of the authorization code flow using with go standard http handler, id_token validation, userinfo call.

Other flows

PAR (rfc9126)/JAR (rfc9101)/RAR (rfc9396) example

This library provides ergonomic api for adding support for Pushed Authorization Request, Jwt-secured Authorization Request (request= jwt), Rich Authotization Request (authorization_details) in your authorization request by adding extra options to your oauthx.AuthZRequest.

See PAR RAR JAR example for more info.

Http: client, tracing, custom header, custom error, response limit

This library has first class support for adding tracing header (and arbitrary headers) to http requests via context.Context.

It is encouraged to provide your own instance *http.Client with options.

Http and unmarshalling errors are returned using a custom error (*oauthx.HttpErr) that includes http response code, http response header, and http response body. It also as a builtin support for OAuth2 rfc6749 standard error.

Inspired by tigerbeetle's Tiger Style this library has http response size limits (default oauthx.LIMIT_HTTP_RESP_BODY_MAX_SIZE_BYTES) that you can override by using oauthx.WellKnownWithHttpClient() and oauthx.WithHttpClientWithLimit options for fetching the wellknown metadata, and the oauth client respectively.

See http tunning for more info.

Tiger Style

This library is inspired by tigerbeetle's Tiger Style and implements some of the features, such as assertions and limits (on http responses).

The library has several assertion on input parameters, and will print as stacktrace on stderr then panic if one assertion fails (for example passing nil pointer as input).

Plumbing and Porcelain

Inspired by git, this library provides ergonomic "porcelain" api (it is recommended to only use the "procelain" function), but it also exposes its internal "plumbing" functions.

All the "plumbing" function are prefixed with Plumbing (for example PlumbingDoHttpPARRequest). Plumbing functions can be used if you want to make your own http request, and parsing the http response.

other features

  • Supports ID Token encryption (Nested JWT), and/or signed
  • Builtin support for Remote Jwks Uri (with caching)
  • Support Userinfo encryption and/or signed (jwt) or JSON
  • Support Introspection encryption and/or signed (jwt) or JSON

Inspired by