Hello. Thanks for so good lib.
Help me to resolve this problem (as here: #28 ), please:
Board with smiles opening good, but I want to switch smiles board to keybord by second tap to button.
So, smiles board opened, I tap on button, where this code:
if (main.globals_.emojiPopup.isShowing()){
//закрыть эмоции
//показать клавиатуру
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, 0);
//открыть эмоции
and I see momental keyboard blink, closing keyboard and smiles board was closed.
If I delete the code for showing keyboard and uncomment main.globals_.emojiPopup.dismiss(); , I will see good changing from smiles to keboard and back. BUT, when I close keyboard or smiles by pressing "back" and trying to show smiles by button, I will see the bug as on screen from issue #28. What me do? How to set rootView again?
Sorry for my Russian English.
LunevNF commentedon Sep 6, 2016
I solve this with next hack:
vanniktech commentedon Sep 7, 2016
Have you looked at the sample and does that work?
LunevNF commentedon Sep 7, 2016
Yes, not only look. I use example, but example work good only with code in my onClickListener. Without this, example can only show smiles board.
vanniktech commentedon Sep 7, 2016
Which device are you using and does it have a custom keyboard?
LunevNF commentedon Sep 7, 2016
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini sk17i (android 4.0.4) without custom keyboard and Samsung Galaxy S3 without custom keyboard
vanniktech commentedon Sep 7, 2016
I do know that there seems to be something mixed up in some cases and on some devices I just can't never reproduce it hence I don't know what's going on.
Adding that logic may work for that particular device however it can break many more devices.
vanniktech commentedon Nov 19, 2016
I'll close this as this should be fixed with
. If it isn't please create / reopen the issue. I'll cut a release soon.