# Copyright Authors of Cilium # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 include ../Makefile.defs include ../Makefile.quiet HELM_VALUES := helm-values.rst REQUIREMENTS_NODEP := requirements-min/requirements.txt REQUIREMENTS := requirements.txt SPHINX_OPTS := "-j=auto" .PHONY: default clean help builder-image cilium-build cmdref epub latex html ##@ Targets (default: "html") default: html define build_image $(ECHO_DOCKER) $(3) # Pre-pull FROM docker image due to Buildkit sometimes failing to pull them. grep -m 1 "^FROM " $(1) | tr -d '\r' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs -n1 $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) pull $(QUIET)tar c $(REQUIREMENTS) Dockerfile \ | $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) build $(DOCKER_BUILD_FLAGS) \ --build-arg READTHEDOCS_VERSION \ --target $(2) --tag $(3) - endef ##@ Development Images DOCS_BASE_IMG ?= cilium/docs-base base-image: Dockerfile ## Build the docs-base image for updating the requirements.txt file. $(call build_image,$<,docs-base,$(DOCS_BASE_IMG)) DOCS_BUILDER_IMG ?= cilium/docs-builder ifndef SKIP_BUILDER_IMAGE builder-image: Dockerfile $(REQUIREMENTS) ## Build the docs-builder image for rendering and checking the documentation. $(call build_image,$<,docs-builder,$(DOCS_BUILDER_IMG)) else builder-image: @echo "SKIP_BUILDER_IMAGE set, assuming image is already present and up-to-date." endif # cilium must have all build artifacts present for # documentation to be generated correctly. cilium-build: ifndef SKIP_BUILD $(MAKE) builder-image ../contrib/scripts/builder.sh env MAKEFLAGS="$(MAKEFLAGS)" make build else echo "SKIP_BUILD set, assuming all build artifacts are already present." endif READTHEDOCS_VERSION ?= latest DOCKER_CTR_ROOT_DIR := /src DOCKER_CTR_BASE := $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) container run --rm \ --workdir $(DOCKER_CTR_ROOT_DIR)/Documentation \ --env GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=1 \ --env GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0=safe.directory \ --env GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=$(DOCKER_CTR_ROOT_DIR) \ --volume $(CURDIR)/..:$(DOCKER_CTR_ROOT_DIR) \ --user "$(shell id -u):$(shell id -g)" DOCKER_CTR := $(DOCKER_CTR_BASE) \ --env READTHEDOCS_VERSION=$(READTHEDOCS_VERSION) \ --env SKIP_LINT=$(SKIP_LINT) \ --env INCREMENTAL=$(INCREMENTAL) DOCKER_RUN := $(DOCKER_CTR) $(DOCS_BUILDER_IMG) ##@ Auto-generated Contents Updates and Validation .PHONY: api-flaggen api-flaggen: ## Update the table of API flags restrictions. @$(ECHO_GEN) api-flags $(QUIET)$(GO) run $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/api-flaggen \ 2>/dev/null \ > configuration/api-restrictions-table.rst .PHONY: update-cmdref update-cmdref: cilium-build ## Update the command reference documents (agent, bugtool, operators, etc.). @$(ECHO_GEN)cmdref -$(QUIET)rm -rf cmdref/cilium*.md $(QUIET)$(DOCKER_RUN) ./update-cmdref.sh .PHONY: codeowners.rst codeowners.rst: @$(ECHO_GEN)$@ $(QUIET)$(DOCKER_RUN) ./update-codeowners.sh .PHONY: update-codeowners update-codeowners: codeowners.rst ## Update the description of the code owner teams. .PHONY: update-crdlist update-crdlist: ## Update the list of CRDs. @$(ECHO_GEN)crdlist make -C ../ generate-crd-docs update-helm-values: $(HELM_VALUES) ## Update the Helm reference documentation. HELM_DOCS_ROOT_PATH := $(DOCKER_CTR_ROOT_DIR) HELM_DOCS_CHARTS_DIR := $(HELM_DOCS_ROOT_PATH)/install/kubernetes HELM_DOCS_OUTPUT_DIR := $(HELM_DOCS_ROOT_PATH)/Documentation HELM_DOCS := $(DOCKER_CTR) $(HELM_TOOLBOX_IMAGE) helm-docs M2R := $(DOCKER_CTR) $(HELM_TOOLBOX_IMAGE) python3 /usr/bin/m2r2 .PHONY: update-helm-values FORCE $(HELM_VALUES): TMP_FILE_1 := helm-values.tmp $(HELM_VALUES): TMP_FILE_2 := helm-values.awk $(HELM_VALUES): TMP_FILE_3 := helm-values.sed $(HELM_VALUES): FORCE $(QUIET)$(HELM_DOCS) -d -c $(HELM_DOCS_CHARTS_DIR) -t $(HELM_DOCS_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(TMP_FILE_1).tmpl > $(TMP_FILE_1) $(QUIET)awk -F'|' '{print "|"$$2"|"$$5"|"$$3"|"$$4"|"}' $(TMP_FILE_1) > $(TMP_FILE_2) $(QUIET)$(M2R) --overwrite $(TMP_FILE_2) $(QUIET)$(SED) 's/^\( \* - \)\([[:print:]]\{1,\}\)$$/\1:spelling:ignore:`\2`/' $@ > $(TMP_FILE_3) $(QUIET)printf '..\n %s\n\n%s\n' "AUTO-GENERATED. Please DO NOT edit manually." "$$(cat $(TMP_FILE_3))" > $@ $(QUIET)$(RM) -- $(TMP_FILE_1) $(TMP_FILE_2) $(TMP_FILE_3) check: builder-image api-flaggen update-cmdref update-crdlist update-helm-values update-codeowners update-redirects ## Validate command and Helm references, policy examples, and others. @$(ECHO_CHECK) cmdref $(QUIET) ./check-cmdref.sh @$(ECHO_CHECK) $(HELM_VALUES) $(QUIET) ./check-helmvalues.sh @$(ECHO_CHECK) examples $(QUIET)$(DOCKER_RUN) ./check-examples.sh @$(ECHO_CHECK) codeowners.rst $(QUIET) ./check-codeowners.sh @$(ECHO_CHECK) configuration/api-restrictions-table.rst $(QUIET) ./check-flaggen.sh @$(ECHO_CHECK) crdlist.rst $(QUIET) ./check-crdlist.sh @$(ECHO_CHECK) redirects.txt $(QUIET) ./check-redirects.sh ##@ Build ifeq ($(V),0) SPHINX_OPTS += -q endif html epub latex: builder-image ## Check documentation and render it under the specified format. @$(ECHO_GEN)_build/$@ $(QUIET)$(DOCKER_RUN) ./check-build.sh $(@) $(SPHINX_OPTS) html-netlify: @$(ECHO_GEN)_build/$@ $(QUIET) SKIP_LINT=1 ./check-build.sh html $(SPHINX_OPTS) DOCS_PORT = 9081 live-preview: builder-image ## Build and serve the documentation locally. @echo "$$(tput setaf 2)Running at http://localhost:$(DOCS_PORT)$$(tput sgr0)" $(QUIET)$(DOCKER_CTR) \ --publish $(DOCS_PORT):$(DOCS_PORT) \ $(DOCS_BUILDER_IMG) \ sphinx-autobuild --open-browser --host --port $(DOCS_PORT) $(SPHINX_OPTS) --ignore *.swp -Q . _preview update-redirects: builder-image ## Build and serve the documentation locally. @echo "$$(tput setaf 2)Writing redirects$$(tput sgr0)" $(QUIET)$(DOCKER_CTR) \ $(DOCS_BUILDER_IMG) \ sphinx-build -M rediraffewritediff . _preview ##@ Development update-requirements: base-image $(REQUIREMENTS_NODEP) ## Regenerate the requirements.txt file from requirements-min/requirements.txt. @echo '## Auto-generated from $(REQUIREMENTS_NODEP) with "make update-requirements"' > $(REQUIREMENTS) $(QUIET)$(DOCKER_CTR_BASE) $(DOCS_BASE_IMG) \ bash -c "export HOME=/tmp && pip install --no-warn-script-location -r $(REQUIREMENTS_NODEP) && pip freeze -r $(REQUIREMENTS_NODEP) >> $(REQUIREMENTS)" clean: ## Clean up all artefacts from documentation. -$(QUIET)rm -rf _build _exts/__pycache__ _preview Pipfile Pipfile.lock help: ## Display help for the Makefile. $(call print_help_from_makefile)