A real time Instagram clone built using React and firebase. It is a website that allows users to create an account, login, create posts, like posts, comment on posts and update profile.
- Clone the repositroy.
- Go to the project directory in the terminal & install the required dependencies by using:
npm install
- Type the command :
npm start
- Note - you will need to generate your own environment variables for Firebase . You can check the required variables in .env.sample file.
- React.js
- TypeScript
- Storybook
- Redux-toolkit
- Firebase
- Material UI
- React router dom
- Socket io
- UseForm
- User Authentication with firebase
- User can create a new post
- User can like, dislike, comment to a post
- User can follow other users
- User can view his/her profile
- User can view other user's profile
- User can edit his/her profile
- User get notification when some like or comment on her post.
- Persistent data & file storage with Firebase
Project is: in progress