The pages
entry in articles is too strict. If, as is common for modern articles, the pages entry is a single value, typst ignores it where regular bibtex would simply print it.
main.typ is
If I cite a paper such as @Shen2023electronic where the pages is a single value, the pages entry is ignored.
Note that modern articles are often specified with a single page number. e.g.
style: "american-physics-society")
ref.bib is
title = {Electronic Character of Charge Order in Square-Planar Low-Valence Nickelates},
author = {Shen, Y. and Sears, J. and Fabbris, G. and Li, J. and Pelliciari, J. and Mitrano, M. and He, W. and Zhang, Junjie and Mitchell, J. F. and Bisogni, V. and Norman, M. R. and Johnston, S. and Dean, M. P. M.},
journal = {Phys. Rev. X},
volume = {13},
issue = {1},
pages = {011021},
numpages = {9},
year = {2023},
month = {Feb},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevX.13.011021},
url = {}
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- mac and
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- I am using the latest version of Typst
Thanks for all the great work on Typst and hayagriva!
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