[no-useless-constructor] / [no-empty-function] with mixed JS & TS codebase #48
(This issue was originally raised in eslint/typescript-eslint-parser#418; and it was suggested that it would be more appropriately logged here, as it is not something that the parser can handle)
What version of TypeScript are you using?
What version of typescript-eslint-parser
are you using?
What code were you trying to parse?
export default class Foo {
constructor(private name: string) {}
get greeting() : string {
return `Hello ${this.name}`;
What did you expect to happen?
No errors/warnings about empty constructor.
What happened?
2:2 error Useless constructor no-useless-constructor
2:36 error Unexpected empty constructor no-empty-function
For now, I have turned off these two rules in my .ts
projects; but for projects that mix *.ts
and *.js
code, it would be nice to be able to have these rules enabled to catch any useless constructors/empty functions in *.js
code without it also warning about valid *.ts