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Allow to disable push on specific time periods (weekends, nights) #6422




  • I have used the search function to see if someone else has already submitted the same feature request.
  • I will describe the problem with as much detail as possible.
  • This issue only contains a request for one single feature, not multiple (related) features.

App version


Problem you are trying to solve

When using the app with professional email accounts on a personal phone, it can be unsettling or even stressful to receive push mails in a non-working period (in my case : weekends, nights).
Right now the only solution (while keeping sync) would be to either disable regularly push on the app, or disable notifications for K9 at the system level. Doing this every day isn't a viable solution.

As a side note, I precise that the "right to disconnect" is a rising concept in Europe, with some countries trying to regulate it with law (see this article and the references therein), and the European Union starts to consider a continent-wide directive. So it might be a feature more people will be interested in in the future.

Suggested solution

I think that it would be a healthy feature to allow the user to select the periods in which the app looks for new emails. Basically defining a "sleep mode" (off work mode? Quiet mode?) .

Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details

  • The parameters would by default leave push on all the time, and could be change from account settings > receiving mail
  • I think that the "quiet mode" should be defined at the push level and not the notification level. Two arguments for this:
    • When the "quiet time" is over, I'd like to be notified of all the mails I missed during off work.
    • In a scenario where I need to check an older mail while off work (meaning I have to open the app) I'd rather not see that new mails are incoming.
  • There exists an app doing this for Gmail, called Quiet for GMail. From a user perspective the app is very easy so setup:
    • We can define quiet mode account per account (different behaviors for work/personal accounts)
    • The app seems to use native android forms to select the days/hours we want push to happen. Something similar to what an Alarm app would display? See screenshot below



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    type: enhancementNew features or improvements to existing features.


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