This application was made using HTML, Tailwind CSS, Flask, GitHub API and Postgres DB. You can run this application locally if you have postgres installed on your PC. Additionally you need to create a GitHub OAuth App to generate the CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET for the application to function. Read on How to Create a GitHub OAuth App.
NOTE: The environment variables weren't committed to the repo due to security reasons. The format of env file has been given below.
In the project directory, you can run:
Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in your browser.
Recommended to create virtual environment and install modules from requirements.txt using:
python -m virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
The env file contains the following data
DB_PASS = ""
CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET can be retrieved from GitHub Outh Apps Page. DB_PASS is the password of the Postgres Server. SECRET_KEY is the secret key required by the Flask server to sign cookies. It can be anything of your choice.