P.S: The python backend is broken.
The Syntax rules of JML could be found at Parser.jl. Not all valid syntax constructs are implemented in the compiler yet. Type checker is WIP.
infix operators with custom associativities and precendences:
infix add 5 infix cons 2 right
pure lexical scope, and distinguish
bindings fromlet rec - in
bindings. -
FFI via
keywordforeign Base def p = Base.getproperty
provide accurate source code positions when reporting errors
match expression
type inference with type classes
parameterised modules
Press \
to enter jml
julia> \
Str := value=str
Nil := ["()"]
Bind := [name=id %get_str, '=', value=Exp]
Let := [loc=:let %get_loc, rec=:rec.? % maybe_to_bool, ...
Fun := [loc=:fn %get_loc, "(", args=join_rule(",", ...
Match := [loc=:match %get_loc, sc=Exp, :with,
If := [loc=:if %get_loc, cond=Exp, :then, ...
Num := [neg="-".? % maybe_to_bool, (int=integer) | (float=float)]
Boolean := value=("true" | "false")
NestedExpr = ['(', value=Exp, ')'] => _.value
Var := value=id %get_str
Block := [loc='{' %get_loc, stmts=Stmt{*}, '}']]
Atom = Nil | NestedExpr | Num | Str | Boolean | Var | List
Attr := [value=Atom, attrs=(['.', id % get_str] % second){*}]
Call := [fn=Attr, ['(', args = join_rule(",", Attr), ')'].?]
List := [loc='[', elts=join_rule(',', Exp), ']']
Comp = Call | Let | Fun | Match | If | Block
Op := ...
Top := [hd=Comp, tl=[Op, Comp]{*}]
Custom := [value=Exp, [',', next=Custom].?] | [kw=id, value=Exp, [',', next=Custom].?]
Exp := [top=Top, [do_custom::Bool='{' => true, [custom=Custom].?, '}'].?]
Define := [loc=:def %get_loc, name=id_str, '=', value=Exp]
Infix := [loc=:infix %get_loc, name=id_str, prec=integer %get_str, is_right="right".? % maybe_to_bool]
Foreign := [loc=:foreign %get_loc, paths=join_rule('.', id_str)]
Import := [loc=:import %get_loc, is_qual=:qualified.? %maybe_to_bool, paths=join_rule('.', id_str)]
Ops := [loc=:export %get_loc, names=id_str{*}]
Stmt = [Exp | Import | Module, ';'.?] % first
TopStmt = Define | Import | Infix | Stmt | Foreign | Ops
- [?]
Module := [loc=:module %get_loc, name=id_str, params=id_str{*}, :where, stmts=TopStmt{*}, :end.?]