Ahmed Salman
Programming Enthusiast (C# and Python), Learning and Implementing, IF IT WORKS, IT WORKS
BillGotHacked Inc.
B.U. Dropout,Union Rep,Hacking victim,President BillGotHacked Inc.-Cybercrime victim support w/ proceeds going to ASPCA-Humane Society and homeless people:)
BillGotHacked Inc.
William "Bill" Dougherty
B.U. College dropout. Ex-drug addict and alcoholic. Union Rep. Negotiating Rep. & Sec. Tres. and criminal (all rights restored) record available upon request.
Unemployed Phoenix
Jevin Sweval
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer
Previously Apple Pay Security
Lafayette, Indiana