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Lambda Alias

Configuration in this directory creates Lambda Function and Aliases in different configurations.


To run this example you need to execute:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Note that this example may create resources which cost money. Run terraform destroy when you don't need these resources.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws >= 5.79
random >= 2.0


Name Version
aws >= 5.79
random >= 2.0


Name Source Version
alias_existing ../../modules/alias n/a
alias_no_refresh ../../modules/alias n/a
alias_refresh ../../modules/alias n/a
lambda_function ../../ n/a
sqs_events terraform-aws-modules/sqs/aws ~> 3.0


Name Type
random_pet.this resource
aws_organizations_organization.this data source


No inputs.


Name Description
lambda_alias_arn The ARN of the Lambda Function Alias
lambda_alias_description Description of alias
lambda_alias_event_source_mapping_function_arn The the ARN of the Lambda function the event source mapping is sending events to
lambda_alias_event_source_mapping_state The state of the event source mapping
lambda_alias_event_source_mapping_state_transition_reason The reason the event source mapping is in its current state
lambda_alias_event_source_mapping_uuid The UUID of the created event source mapping
lambda_alias_function_version Lambda function version which the alias uses
lambda_alias_invoke_arn The ARN to be used for invoking Lambda Function from API Gateway
lambda_alias_name The name of the Lambda Function Alias
lambda_function_arn The ARN of the Lambda Function
lambda_function_arn_static The static ARN of the Lambda Function. Use this to avoid cycle errors between resources (e.g., Step Functions)
lambda_function_invoke_arn The Invoke ARN of the Lambda Function
lambda_function_kms_key_arn The ARN for the KMS encryption key of Lambda Function
lambda_function_last_modified The date Lambda Function resource was last modified
lambda_function_name The name of the Lambda Function
lambda_function_qualified_arn The ARN identifying your Lambda Function Version
lambda_function_source_code_hash Base64-encoded representation of raw SHA-256 sum of the zip file
lambda_function_source_code_size The size in bytes of the function .zip file
lambda_function_version Latest published version of Lambda Function
lambda_layer_arn The ARN of the Lambda Layer with version
lambda_layer_created_date The date Lambda Layer resource was created
lambda_layer_layer_arn The ARN of the Lambda Layer without version
lambda_layer_source_code_size The size in bytes of the Lambda Layer .zip file
lambda_layer_version The Lambda Layer version
lambda_role_arn The ARN of the IAM role created for the Lambda Function
lambda_role_name The name of the IAM role created for the Lambda Function
local_filename The filename of zip archive deployed (if deployment was from local)
s3_object The map with S3 object data of zip archive deployed (if deployment was from S3)