TMHOME="/Users/daniel/go/src/" tendermint node --proxy_app=unix:///Users/daniel/go/src/
ERROR: 1 error(s) decoding:
* error decoding 'consensus.create_empty_blocks_interval': time: invalid duration
We should output more useful error instead of ^ for better usability.
SomeMoosery commentedon Jan 16, 2020
This would be my first issue but I can take a look into this and see if I can come up with a PR shortly!
SomeMoosery commentedon Jan 16, 2020
#4312 - PR here!
melekes commentedon Mar 2, 2020
Question: should we initialize Tendermint instead of showing an error?
tendermint init
erikgrinaker commentedon Mar 2, 2020
I think we should throw a hard error. Explicit is better than implicit, and this is something that would be done rarely.
cmd: show useful error when tm not initialised
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