The MakeSecretConnection
function has a bug which allows a third party to MITM the connection and decrypt/modify data in a way which both sides think the long-term key of either side is the same.
This is due to a lack of validation that the ephemeral or long-term keys are not of low-order.
- In
the ephemeral keys are transmitted to each other. - Then in
a shared secret is derived from the two ephemeral keys usingcurve25519.ScalarMult
- Using that secret the send and receive keys, and a
, are derived usingderiveSecretAndChallenge
- The
and long-term public key is then signed and transmitted to the other party using
The problem stems from computeDHSecret
not validating the ephemeral public key, if the connection is intercepted and an ephemeral key consisting of all zeros is injected then the secret from computeDHSecret
will be the same for both parties for every handshake with any key. That is - the two parties, because of the MITM injecting a null ephemeral key in place of the remotes key, will then both derive the same secret which is also known to the MITM actor.
The derived recvSecret
, sendSecret
and challenge
is now also known by the MITM actor, and will be the same for every connection handshake that is intercepted. The authSigMsg
by the long-term keys of either side will also be the same for every intercepted connection, and because the send/recv secrets are known the MITM actor can replay the auth signature message to the other party to impersonate any public key that it's previously observed.
- Full active intercept with decrypt/re-encrypt
- Impersonation of any peer using signature re-play
This means SecretConnection
isn't secure if connections are intercepted / redirected.
And any peers identity can be impersonated at the connection-level (as in, it'll show that peer in the remote peers list), unless the long-term public key of the peer is validated elsewhere (e.g. expecting a signature from the remote peers nodeInfo.ID()
cannot be forged, only re-played during the handshake).
Affected functions:
Line 52 in 6643c5d
Line 209 in 6643c5d
Line 272 in 6643c5d
Line 241 in 6643c5d
Example code:
package main
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
func genEphKeys() (ephPub, ephPriv *[32]byte) {
var err error
ephPub, ephPriv, err = box.GenerateKey(crand.Reader)
if err != nil {
panic("Could not generate ephemeral keypairs")
func computeDHSecret(remPubKey, locPrivKey *[32]byte) (shrKey *[32]byte) {
shrKey = new([32]byte)
curve25519.ScalarMult(shrKey, locPrivKey, remPubKey)
func main() {
//remPubKey, _ := genEphKeys()
var remPubKey [32]byte
_, locPrivKey := genEphKeys()
shrKey := computeDHSecret(&remPubKey, locPrivKey)
fmt.Println("remPubKey =", remPubKey)
fmt.Println("locPrivKey =", locPrivKey)
fmt.Println("shrKey =", shrKey)
Suggested fix:
Make a reader specifically for public keys, perform low-order point validation on the keys after reading.
tarcieri commentedon Dec 13, 2018
Handling of all-zero X25519 public keys is a somewhat contentious issue, and something of a red herring given the attack described here. I've generally been weakly in favor of detecting and rejecting them, but explicit handling of them is unnecessary in a correctly-designed protocol.
We can start by looking at what Noise does:
Section 12.1:
The Noise protocol spec effectively says that implementations MAY detect inputs that produce all-zero outputs, but SHOULD ignore them and output all zeroes in this case.
Backing up a bit and looking at the reported issue, we can see the real problem here:
In this case, an active attacker is modifying one of the handshake messages. The real issue here is handshake malleability: a well designed protocol MUST detect and reject this regardless of how the messages were modified. Exactly how the attacker is modifying the message is irrelevant: any modifications to any handshake parameters MUST be rejected. The injection of an all-zero public key is something of a red herring: if an attacker can successfully modify the ephemeral keys without being detected, they could just as easily substitute one for which they know the discrete log, rather than one which is all zeroes.
TLS and Noise both solve this problem with transcript hashing (Noise calls it a "handshake hash" - see section 2.2): both sides compute a digest of all messages sent and received during a handshake. If both sides do not compute the same transcript hash, this MUST abort the connection in some way. In TLS or Noise this manifests as a MAC verification failure.
My recommendation here would be to adopt one of the Noise handshake patterns outright, or barring that, adding a "handshake hash" similar to the one Noise uses to the existing handshake.
As for the all-zero public key issue, I could go either way on that. If the protocol were designed correctly, this is an attack which can only be performed by one of the legitimate connection endpoints (i.e. self-MitM, a threat I don't care about). There are good arguments on both sides for detecting it or ignoring it, although as I said earlier I'm weakly in favor of detecting it, but I feel that way because I think it might provide value detecting buggy implementations, not for security purposes.
HarryR commentedon Dec 13, 2018
I am suggesting a low-effort fix which doesn't break network-layer compatibility with existing clients.
you could use an arbitrary ephemeral key, but you can't re-play thechallenge
signature of either side (which you can do, using a low-order point as the interceptor/malicious-actor's ephemeral key, hence this ticket).If you are expecting a specific peer and after the handshake the peers long-term ID is different then you can detect interception and disconnect the connection. But... I can't see where in the code verifies that the long-term key that it ended up connecting to was the one it expected (e.g. if you are connecting to a peer with a known long-term key, but get another one instead, you have no authenticity).
For necessary point validation checks, see:
This bug is specifically to do with not validating the ephemeral keys with the current protocol. Validating the public keys fixes the bug.
Re: Noise and validating points being unnecessary, this pushes a hash of the entire conversation from both sides into the
signature, rather than just something derived from the DH kex between ephemeral keys. It binds the long-term keys to the contents of the handshake regardless of whether or not the ephemeral points are valid.However, it doesn't protect against a malicious actor forcing you to derive a predictable session key, which would allow one party to intercept many connections after the handshake, without any communication with the malicious actor.
There are a handful of other bugs throughout Tendermint and related projects which stem from not validating public keys, I highly suggest you do it, just switching to Noise will not solve those problem, and IMO doesn't really fully fix this one either.
tarcieri commentedon Dec 13, 2018
I'd agree that point validation provides a band-aid for this specific attack, and as I said earlier is probably a good idea in general. However:
Note that these checks are for the twisted Edwards form of Curve25519 (i.e. "edwards25519"), and most of them are irrelevant or orthogonal to this discussion (the
one in particular is actually relevant).The context of this discussion is Diffie-Hellman over the Montgomery form of Curve25519, a.k.a. "X25519". The two curve forms have different wire formats: Ed25519 uses a compressed point, whereas X25519 uses a Montgomery-u coordinate (a.k.a. "x") alone, and in doing so strategically eliminates all other classes of invalid points besides the low order ones we're discussing here (see below).
The point validation you're suggesting can be found on the original Curve25519 ECDH web site:
The context being discussed here is Diffie-Hellman.
So is djb wrong when he says "Don't"? Again, that's debatable. The "May the Forth" paper suggests it's probably a good idea to defend against microarchitectural attacks, for example:
All that said: the core problem here is handshake malleability, not low order points. Malleating these keys MUST result in a MAC verify fail for the protocol to be secure.
HarryR commentedon Dec 13, 2018
For contributory behaviour (e.g. Diffie-Hellman KEX) it is necessary to verify the point is not of low order. Checks I'd use are:
) to verify it is infinity (to check it's on the main group)The sodium implementation has hard-coded low-order points, but needs to do a scalar multiply by
to verify it's on the prime-ordered group.I'm unsure about the canonical test, it does some bit fiddling and the differences for ed25519 vs curve25519 aren't immediately obvious.
tarcieri commentedon Dec 13, 2018
While there are good reasons for doing so which I have already covered, the Curve25519 web site explicitly calls out Diffie-Hellman as a use case for which the low order check is unnecessary.
Here is the relevant text about contributory behavior:
HarryR commentedon Dec 13, 2018
Righto. I will leave this for you to figure out.
However, I would argue that the statement is wrong, because it lead to the bug described above.
tarcieri commentedon Dec 13, 2018
The same bug does not exist in TLS or Noise, regardless of whether they check for low-order points, and that's because the root cause is a malleable, attacker-controlled ephemeral key.
Beyond that, I think "low order points" are a complete red herring here: this attack is specific to the point at Montgomery-u 0, which so happens to be in the set of low order points, and is possible because any number multiplied by 0 is 0.
To my knowledge you cannot perform a similar attack with any of the other blacklisted points.
HarryR commentedon Dec 13, 2018
The same attack applies to all points of low-order, for example
tarcieri commentedon Dec 13, 2018
Touché. I'm not able to execute that code right now, but is
zero?HarryR commentedon Dec 13, 2018
Yup it is all zeros.
With other curves there should be
potential points as the result when one of the points is of ordern
, but I think x25519 may be weird in that sense and just return all zeros instead, is worth double-checking.A sufficient check, instead of key validation, may be validating that the result of the scalarmult is non-zero.
tarcieri commentedon Dec 13, 2018
Yeah, so the Noise protocol spec discusses that case here:
I think it would probably be best to detect and return an error in this case, but note that Noise is also designed to be robust against it:
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