include SHORT_NAME := router DEIS_REGISTRY ?= ${DEV_REGISTRY} IMAGE_PREFIX ?= hephy include SHELL_SCRIPTS = $(wildcard rootfs/bin/*) rootfs/opt/router/sbin/boot REPO_PATH :=${SHORT_NAME} # The following variables describe the containerized development environment # and other build options DEV_ENV_IMAGE := hephy/go-dev:v1.33.3 DEV_ENV_WORK_DIR := /go/src/${REPO_PATH} DEV_ENV_CMD := docker run --rm -v ${CURDIR}:${DEV_ENV_WORK_DIR} -w ${DEV_ENV_WORK_DIR} ${DEV_ENV_IMAGE} DEV_ENV_CMD_INT := docker run -it --rm -v ${CURDIR}:${DEV_ENV_WORK_DIR} -w ${DEV_ENV_WORK_DIR} ${DEV_ENV_IMAGE} LDFLAGS := "-s -w -X main.version=${VERSION}" BINDIR := ./rootfs/opt/router/sbin # The following variables describe the source we build from GO_FILES := $(wildcard *.go) GO_DIRS := model/ nginx/ utils/ utils/modeler GO_PACKAGES := ${REPO_PATH} $(addprefix ${REPO_PATH}/,${GO_DIRS}) # The binary compression command used UPX := upx -9 --mono --no-progress # The following variables describe k8s manifests we may wish to deploy # to a running k8s cluster in the course of development. DEPLOYMENT := manifests/deis-${SHORT_NAME}-deployment.yaml SVC := manifests/deis-${SHORT_NAME}-service.yaml # Allow developers to step into the containerized development environment dev: check-docker ${DEV_ENV_CMD_INT} bash # Containerized dependency resolution vendor: check-docker ${DEV_ENV_CMD} go mod vendor tidy: ${DEV_ENV_CMD} go mod tidy -v # Containerized build of the binary build: check-docker mkdir -p ${BINDIR} ${DEV_ENV_CMD} make binary-build docker-build: build check-docker DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build ${DOCKER_BUILD_FLAGS} -t ${IMAGE} rootfs docker tag ${IMAGE} ${MUTABLE_IMAGE} # Builds the binary-- this should only be executed within the # containerized development environment. binary-build: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ${BINDIR}/${SHORT_NAME} -ldflags ${LDFLAGS} ${SHORT_NAME}.go $(call check-static-binary,$(BINDIR)/${SHORT_NAME}) ${UPX} ${BINDIR}/${SHORT_NAME} deploy: check-kubectl docker-build docker-push kubectl --namespace=deis patch deployment deis-${SHORT_NAME} \ --type='json' \ -p='[ \ {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/strategy", "value":{"type":"Recreate"}}, \ {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value":"$(IMAGE)"}, \ {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/imagePullPolicy", "value":"Always"} \ ]' test: test-style test-unit test-functional test-cover: ${DEV_ENV_CMD} test-functional: @echo no functional tests test-style: check-docker ${DEV_ENV_CMD} make style-check # This should only be executed within the containerized development environment. style-check: lint shellcheck $(SHELL_SCRIPTS) test-unit: ${DEV_ENV_CMD} go test --cover --race -v ${GO_PACKAGES}