Current firmware is based on
- TFT display ( ILI9488 and OTM4802 )
- Touch screen controller ( XPT2046 )
- Chamber and bed temperature sensors ( internal ADC )
- Extruder K-type thermocouple with external ADC ( ADS1118 )
- Chamber RGB light ( PCA9632 PWM controller )
- Stepper motor current setup ( MCP4018 digital potentiometer )
- Print cooling fan, chamber fan, endstops, stepper motor signals control
- External SD card
- USB ( virtual serial port )
- Internal storage ( read discussion)
- Power-loss recovery (read discussion)
- WiFi (read discussion)
Head on to the wiki page to find more details on flashing the firmware, building from source etc.
The scripts are written to work well with the following platforms -
- macOS
- GNU/Linux
- DreamerNX
- Dreamer (Untested)
- Inventor (Untested)
- This repo is a fork of the excellent effort made by @moonglow, consider supporting his work.
All though the firmware might work on the supported printer just fine, I still require testers to confirm. Please exercise your own judgement on using it. I am not liable, nor I bare responsibility in the event of a failure but, I will support you in fixing should there be any problems.