This Laminas module, once enabled, allows image resizing and manipulation by url.
- PHP 7.2+
- Laminas MVC
- Imagine
IMPORTANT! Version notes
- Version 3.x: Laminas, dropped support for Zend Framework 3.
- Version 2.x: Zend Framework 3, dropped support for Zend Framework 2.
- Version 1.x: Zend Framework 2
Install via composer in your Laminas project
$ composer require tck/zf2-imageresizer
Enabling it in your
file.<?php return [ 'modules' => ] // ... 'TckImageResizer', ], // ... ];
Create "processed" folder in "public" folder.
All files in public folder
- folder/filename.ext
Example: Create a thumbnail and grayscale image
- img/logo.jpg
Laminas tempalte:
<img alt="Example image" src="<?php echo $this->resize('img/logo.jpg')->thumb(200, 160)->grayscale(); ?>" />
Rendered HTML:
<img alt="Example image" src="$thumb,200,160$grayscale.jpg" />
- thumb(width, height)
- resize(width, height)
- grayscale
- negative
- gamma(correction)
- colorize(hexColor)
- sharpen
- blur(sigma = 1)
- 404(text = 'Not found', backgroundColor = 'F8F8F8', color = '777777', width = null, height = null) In view helper: ->x404(...) [text: url-safe base64] - \TckImageResizer\Util\UrlSafeBase64::encode($text)
Own commands possible - example place a watermark (Todo Documentation)
- More commands
- More command options
- Administrative functions
- Create placeholder