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🚀 Komiser Dashboard

Komiser dashboard is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Full frontend stack:

🚀 Getting Started

Follow the Contribution Guide first if you haven't done so already. Then come back here and follow the next steps:

1. Run the development server:

From the Komiser root folder start the Komiser server by running:

go run *.go start --config /path/to/config.toml

In a different terminal tab navigate to the /dashboard folder:

cd dashboard

and run:

npm install

NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL=http://localhost:3000 npm run dev

Alternatively, you can create an .env file with it, either manually or by running:

echo "NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL=http://localhost:3000" > .env

and simply run:

npm run dev

2. Open http://localhost:3002/. If you see the dashboard, 🎉 congrats! It's all up and running correctly.

❗ If you get an error page such as this, please refer to the logs and our docs. Error Image

🧩 Components

Komiser components are documented under /components

💡 Hint: We have the following import aliases defined in tsconfig.json

  "@components/": "/dashboard/components/",
  "@services/": "/dashboard/services/",
  "@environments/": "/dashboard/environments/",
  "@utils/": "/dashboard/utils/",
  "@styles/": "/dashboard/styles/"

You can find all the shared Components also inside Storybook. If you're implementing a new Story, please check for existing or new components with Storybook. We will require a story for new shared components like icons, inputs or similar.

Component convention:

  • 📁 Component folder: component name in kebab-case

  • 📄 Component file: component name in UpperCamelCase.*

  • 📖 Component story: component name in UpperCamelCase.stories.*

  • 🎭 Component story mock (if needed): component name in UpperCamelCase.mocks.*

  • 🧪 Component unit test: component name in UpperCamelCase.test.*

  • 🧐 Check Card example for more details:

    Component Example

Additional instructions:

  • 📖 To view this component on Storybook, run: npm run storybook, then pick Card

    Storybook Image
  • 🧪 To run the unit tests, run: npm run test:watch, hit p, then card

    Unit Test Image

🧪 Testing

We use Jest & React Testing Library for our unit tests.

  • To run the unit tests, run: npm run test

Testing convention:

  • ✅ All new Utils need to be tested. Existing ones when being changed
  • ✅ All tests should be wrapped in a describe
  • ✅ If it's a unit test for a function: describe('[replace with function name]', () => { ... })
  • ✅ If it's a unit test for a util: describe('[replace with util name] util', () => { ... })
  • ✅ If it's a unit test for a component: describe('[replace with component name]', () => { ... })
  • ✅ A test should use 'it' for the test function: it('should do something', () => { ... })

Testing examples:

  • Simple Jest unit test example (snippet from /utils/formatNumber.test.ts):
import formatNumber from './formatNumber';

describe('formatNumber util', () => {
  it('should format number (over a thousand) in short notation', () => {
    const result = formatNumber(12345);
  • Jest & Testing library example (snippet from /components/card/Card.test.tsx):
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import RefreshIcon from '../icons/RefreshIcon';
import Card from './Card';

describe('Card', () => {
  it('should render card component without crashing', () => {
      label="Test card"
      icon={<RefreshIcon width={24} height={24} />}

  it('should display the value formatted', () => {
      label="Test card"
      icon={<RefreshIcon width={24} height={24} />}
    const formattedNumber = screen.getByTestId('formattedNumber');

If you're looking for an example with event firing and state updates, have a look at components/select-checkbox/SelectCheckbox.test.tsx:

it('opens the dropdown when clicked', () => {
  const { getByRole, getByText } = render(
      label="Test Label"
      setExclude={() => {}}

  expect(getByText('Item 1')).toBeInTheDocument();
  expect(getByText('Item 2')).toBeInTheDocument();
  expect(getByText('Item 3')).toBeInTheDocument();

🎨 Adding to Storybook

Storybook is a tool for UI development. It makes development faster by isolating components. This allows you to work on one component at a time. If you create a new shared component or want to visualize variations of an existing one, follow these steps:

  • To view this component on Storybook locally, run: npm run storybook, then pick an example (Card) or your new component story


1. Create the Story:

In the same directory as your component, create a Storybook story:

  • Create a story file: component name in UpperCamelCase.stories.*.

Here's a basic story format:

import React from 'react';
import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react';

import YourComponent from './YourComponent';

export default {
  title: 'Path/To/YourComponent',
  component: YourComponent
} as ComponentMeta<typeof YourComponent>;

const Template: ComponentStory<typeof YourComponent> = args => (
  <YourComponent {...args} />

export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
  // default props here...

2. Add Variations:

You can create multiple variations of your component by replicating the Default pattern. For example, if your component has a variation for a "disabled" state:

export const Disabled = Template.bind({});
Disabled.args = {
  // props to set the component to its disabled state...

3. Mock Data:

If your component requires mock data, create a mock file: component name in UpperCamelCase.mocks.*. Import this data into your story file to use with your component variations.

4. Visual Check:

Run Storybook:

npm run storybook

Your component should now appear in the Storybook UI. Navigate to it, and verify all the variations display correctly.

5. Documentation:

Add a brief description and any notes on your component's functionality within the Storybook UI. Use the parameters object in your default export:

export default {
  title: 'Path/To/YourComponent',
  component: YourComponent,
  parameters: {
    docs: {
      description: {
        component: 'Your description here...'
} as ComponentMeta<typeof YourComponent>;

Remember: Storybook is not just a tool but also a way to document components. Ensure you provide meaningful names, descriptions, and use cases to help other developers understand the use and purpose of each component.

🤝 Contributing

We welcome all contributors to join us on the mission of improving Komiser, especially when it comes to writing tests and adding documentation.

Not sure where to start?

📚 Learn More

To learn more about our stack, take a look at the following resources:

🎥 Walkthrough video

Watch the video