Provides Context Free Grammar Problems for HeuristicLab
A given BNF grammar is transformed in a SymbolicExpressionGrammar to create GP trees.
Also includes all problem instances from "General Program Synthesis Benchmark Suite" (described in more detail in the technical report: Detailed Problem Descriptions for General Program Synthesis Benchmark Suite)
- If you want to build HeursiticLab from scratch
- Clone HeuristicLab
- Build "HeuristicLab.ExtLibs.sln" and then "HeuristicLab 3.3.sln"
- Clone HeuristicLab.CFGGP next to HeursticLab
- Open and build "HeuristicLab.CFGGP.sln" solution
- Binaries will automatically be copied to "HeuristicLab/bin"
- If you an existing version of HeuristicLab
- Clone HeuristicLab.CFGGP
- Open and build "HeuristicLab.CFGGP.sln" solution
- A folder "HeuristicLab/bin" will be created outside of the repository, which contains the binaries
- Copy the binaries in you HeursiticLab version
A new Problem "Context Free Grammar Problem" will be available in the "New Item" Dialog under Problems -> Genetic Programming.
Stefan Forstenlechner, David Fagan, Miguel Nicolau and Michael O'Neill A Grammar Design Pattern for Arbitrary Program Synthesis Problems in Genetic Programming To be published at EuroGP 2017
Stefan Forstenlechner, Miguel Nicolau, David Fagan and Michael O'Neill Grammar Design for Derivation Tree Based Genetic Programming Systems EuroGP 2016: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Genetic Programming, LNCS, Vol. 9594, pp. 199-214, Springer Verlag, 30 March-1 April 2016.