Cannot parse selector warning for mixins with 2 or more parameters in selector-max-specificity #2677
Describe the issue. Is it a bug or a feature request (new rule, new option, etc.)?
A bug where using the less & operator with nested classes within a mixin that has more than one parameter causes a parsing error.
Which rule, if any, is this issue related to?
It seems to be related to selector-max-specificity
since the error will not show up when this rule is not used in the config file.
What CSS is needed to reproduce this issue?
.foo {
.myMixin(@a, @b) {
&.bar {
color: pink;
Note: The error does not occur when one parameter or less is used in the mixin.
What stylelint configuration is needed to reproduce this issue?
"extends": "stylelint-config-standard",
"rules": {
"selector-max-specificity": "0,4,0"
Which version of stylelint are you using?
How are you running stylelint: CLI, PostCSS plugin, Node API?
CLI with stylelint foo.less
Does your issue relate to non-standard syntax (e.g. SCSS, nesting, etc.)?
Yes, it's related to LESS nested class with & operator in a mixin.
What did you expect to happen?
no parsing error
What actually happened (e.g. what warnings or errors you are getting)?
The following error was outputted:
3:5 Cannot parse selector