Background: We need to be able to save artifacts (manifests) in a pipeline stage to either S3 or GCS, depending on where the deployment is targeted, then retrieve those artifacts in a subsequent pipeline stage. This almost works for us using Produces & Expected artifacts, however, there does not appear to be an option for S3 artifacts.
Before I get too much further into writing the code, I wanted to have a discussion to see if there are any known alternatives, or if this already exists and I missed it.
ethanfrogers commentedon Mar 29, 2018
@imosquera mentioned this to me the other day. i think they have some customers who are going to need it as well. it makes sense to support it so i'm sure a PR would be very much welcome.
jtk54 commentedon Mar 29, 2018
AFAIK there's no support for s3 artifacts yet, this will be welcome. Probably should confer with @lwander and @ezimanyi who are working in this space.
benjaminws commentedon Mar 29, 2018
Great, sounds like it's worth the effort. I'll have a PR ready shortly.
imosquera commentedon Mar 29, 2018
@benjaminws - this is awesome! Let me know if you run into any issues. We actually prioritized it for next week but if you crank it out it would be great
lwander commentedon Mar 29, 2018
Nice work! One last thing.. could you document this here?
benjaminws commentedon Apr 4, 2018
Some docs to support this spinnaker/
lwander commentedon Apr 4, 2018
Sweet! Let's close this