I'll try to describe some of the internal workings of Yaws in this page.
The page is thus mostly interesting for people interested in either hacking Yaws
or simply wanting to get a better understanding.
I'll describe how Yaws pages get compiled, the process structure
and other things which can make it easier to understand the code. This page
is ment to be read by programmers that wish to either work on Yaws or
just get a better understanding.
JIT Compiling a .yaws page
When the client GETs a a page that has a .yaws suffix. The Yaws server
will read that page from the hard disk and divide it in parts
that consist of HTML code and Erlang code. Each chunk of Erlang code
will be compiled into a module. The chunk of Erlang code must contain
a function out/1 If it doesn't the Yaws server will insert a
proper error message into the generated HTML output.
When the Yaws server ships a .yaws page it will process it chunk by chunk
through the .yaws file. If it is HTML code, the server will ship that
as is, whereas if it is Erlang code, the Yaws server will invoke the
out/1 function in that code and insert the output of that out/1
function into the stream
of HTML that is being shipped to the client.
Yaws will cache the result of the compilation
and the next time a client requests the same .yaws page Yaws will
be able to invoke the already compiled modules directly.
This is best explained by an example:
Say that a file consists of 400 bytes, we have "foo.yaws"
and it looks like:
When a client request the file "foo.yaws", the webserver will
look in its cache for the file, (more on that later). For the sake of
argument, we assume the file is not in the cache.
The file will be processes by the code in yaws_compile.erl
and the result will be a structure that looks like:
CodeSpec = Data | Code | Error
Data = {data, NumChars}
Code = {mod, LineNo, YawsFile, NumSkipChars, Mod, Func}
Err = {error, NumSkipChars, E}
In the particular case of our "foo.yaws" file above, the JIT
compiler will return:
[{mod, 1, "/foo.yaws", 100, m1, out},
{data, 200},
{mod, 30, "/foo.yaws", 100, m2, out}
This structure gets stored in the cache and will continue
to be associated to the file "foo.yaws".
When the server "ships" a .yaws page, it needs the CodeSpec
structure to do it. If the structure is not in the cache, the page
gets JIT compiled and inserted into the cache.
To ship the above CodeSpec structure, the server
performs the following steps:
- Create the Arg structure which is a #arg{} record, this
structure is wellknown to all yaws programmers since it's the
main mechanism to pass data from the server to the .yaws
- Item (1) Invoke m1:out(Arg)
- Look at the return value from m1:out(Arg) and
perform whatever is requested. This typically involves generating
some dynamic ehtml code, generate headers or whatever.
- Finally jump ahead 100 bytes in the file as a result of
processing the first CodeSpec item.
- Item (2) Next CodeSpec is just plain data from the file,
thus we read 200 bytes from the file (or rather from the cache
since the data will be there) and ship to the client.
- Item (3) Yet another {mod structure which is handled
the same way as Item (1) above except that the erlang module
is m2 instead of m1
Another thing that is worth mentioning is that yaws will
not ship (write on the socket) data until all content is generated.
This is questionable
and different from what i.e. PHP does. This makes it possible to
generate headers after content has been generated.
Process structure
Before describing the process structure, I need to describe
the two most important datastructures in Yaws. The #gconf{}
and the #sconf{} records.
Note: To retrieve information from these records, yaws:gconf_*/1
and yaws:sconf_*/1 (e.g. yaws:gconf_id/1 or yaws:sconf_docroot/1) should
be used in preference to a direct access to reduce the dependence of your
code on it.
The #gconf{} record
This record is used to hold all global state, i.e. state and configuration
data which is valid for all Virtual servers.
The record looks like:
%% global conf
yaws_dir, % topdir of Yaws installation
trace, % false | {true,http} | {true,traffic}
flags = ?GC_DEF, % boolean flags
ebin_dir = [],
src_dir = [],
runmods = [], % runmods for entire server
keepalive_timeout = 30000,
keepalive_maxuses = nolimit, % nolimit or non negative integer
max_num_cached_files = 400,
max_num_cached_bytes = 1000000, % 1 MEG
max_size_cached_file = 8000,
max_connections = nolimit, % max number of TCP connections
%% Override default connection handler processes spawn options for
%% performance/memory tuning.
%% [] | [{fullsweep_after,Number}, {min_heap_size, Size}]
%% other options such as monitor, link are ignored.
process_options = [],
large_file_chunk_size = 10240,
mnesia_dir = [],
log_wrap_size = 1000000, % wrap logs after 1M
cache_refresh_secs = 30, % seconds (auto zero when debug)
include_dir = [], % list of inc dirs for .yaws files
phpexe = "/usr/bin/php-cgi", % cgi capable php executable
yaws, % server string
id = "default", % string identifying this instance of yaws
enable_soap = false, % start yaws_soap_srv iff true
%% a list of
%% {{Mod, Func}, WsdlFile, Prefix} | {{Mod, Func}, WsdlFile}
%% automatically setup in yaws_soap_srv init.
soap_srv_mods = [],
acceptor_pool_size = 8, % size of acceptor proc pool
mime_types_info, % undefined | #mime_types_info{}
nslookup_pref = [inet], % [inet | inet6]
ysession_mod = yaws_session_server, % storage module for ysession
ysession_cookiegen, % ysession cookie generation module
ysession_idle_timeout = 2*60*1000, % default 2 minutes
ysession_long_timeout = 60*60*1000, % default 1 hour
sni = disable % disable | enable | strict
The structure is derived from the /etc/yaws/yaws.conf file and is passed
around all through the functions in the server.
The #sconf{} record
The next important datastructure is the #sconf{} record. It
is used to describe a single virtual server.
In the /etc/yaws/yaws.conf file corresponds to one #sconf{}
record. We have:
%% server conf
-record(sconf, {
port = 8000, % which port is this server listening to
flags = ?SC_DEF,
redirect_map=[], % a list of
% {Prefix, #url{}, append|noappend}
% #url{} can be partially populated
rhost, % forced redirect host (+ optional port)
rmethod, % forced redirect method
docroot, % path to the docs
xtra_docroots = [], % if we have additional pseudo docroots
listen = [{127,0,0,1}], % bind to this IP, {0,0,0,0} is possible
servername = "localhost", % servername is what Host: header is
serveralias = [], % Alternate names for this vhost
yaws, % server string for this vhost
ets, % local store for this server
ssl, % undefined | #ssl{}
authdirs = [], % [{docroot, [#auth{}]}]
partial_post_size = 10240,
%% An item in the appmods list can be either of the
%% following, this is all due to backwards compat issues.
%% 1. an atom - this is the equivalent to {atom, atom}
%% 2 . A two tuple {Path, Mod}
%% 3 A three tuple {Path, Mod, [ExcludeDir ....]}
appmods = [],
expires = [],
errormod_401 = yaws_outmod, % the default 401 error module
errormod_404 = yaws_outmod, % the default 404 error module
errormod_crash = yaws_outmod, % use the same module for crashes
arg_rewrite_mod = yaws,
logger_mod = yaws_log, % access/auth logging module
opaque = [], % useful in embedded mode
start_mod, % user provided module to be started
allowed_scripts = [yaws,php,cgi,fcgi],
tilde_allowed_scripts = [],
index_files = ["index.yaws", "index.html", "index.php"],
revproxy = [],
soptions = [{listen_opts, [{backlog, 1024}]}],
extra_cgi_vars = [],
stats, % raw traffic statistics
fcgi_app_server, % FastCGI application server {host,port}
php_handler = {cgi, "/usr/bin/php-cgi"},
deflate_options, % undefined | #deflate{}
mime_types_info, % undefined | #mime_types_info{}
% if undefined, global config is used
dispatch_mod % custom dispatch module
Both of these two structures are defined in "yaws.hrl"
Now we're ready to describe the process structure. We have:
Thus, all the different "servers" defined in the configuration
file are clumped together in groups. For HTTP (i.e. not HTTPS) servers
there can be multiple virtual servers per IP address. Each group is
defined by the pair {IpAddr, Port} and they all need to
have different server names.
The client will send the server name in the "Host:" header and that
header is used to pick a #sconf{} record out of the list
of virtual servers for a specific {Ip,Port} pair.
SSL servers are different, we cannot read the headers before we
decide which virtual server to choose because the certificate is connected
to a server name. Thus, there can only be one HTTPS server per
{Ip,Port} pair.