[flake8] enable-extensions = TC, TC1 max-complexity = 18 max-line-length = 120 ignore= # D104 Missing docstring in public package D104, # D100 Missing docstring in public module D100, # D107 Missing docstring in __init__ D107, # W503 line break before binary operator W503, # New black update seem to be incompatible with the next 3 # E203 whitespace before ':' # E231 missing whitespace after ':' # E241 multiple spaces after ':' # E272 multiple spaces before keyword # E271 multiple spaces after keyword E203, E231, E241, E272, E271, exclude = .git, .venv .idea, __pycache__, per-file-ignores = flake8_type_checking/checker.py:SIM114 flake8_type_checking/types.py:D tests/**.py:D103,D205,D400,D102,D101