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Execute a multi-sample 2-pass STAR alignment, sharing the splice junctions across samples. Count fragments per gene and fragments per splice site. Also produce a BAM file with coordinates relative to transcripts. Quantify transcripts in TPM with eXpress. Collate outputs from multiple samples.

View the job graph

snakemake --forceall --dag | dot -Tpng > dag.png

Snakemake directed acyclic graph (DAG).

Run the Snakefile

You can run snakemake like this. Notice the --cluster option, used to launch jobs on an LSF cluster. The Python script receives job scripts from Snakemake and automatically submits them to an appropriate LSF queue based on job requirements.

snakemake --jobs 999 --cluster '../ -o stdout'


The collated output looks like this:

zcat counts.tsv.gz | head | column -t
sample   gene_id          counts_unstranded  counts_strand1  counts_strand2
Sample1  N_unmapped       571                571             571
Sample1  N_multimapping   1384               1384            1384
Sample1  N_noFeature      1178               2059            2087
Sample1  N_ambiguous      141                33              36
Sample1  ENSG00000225630  1                  0               1
Sample1  ENSG00000237973  1                  1               0
Sample1  ENSG00000248527  1                  0               1
Sample1  ENSG00000069424  1                  0               1
Sample1  ENSG00000116251  1                  1               0
zcat junctions.tsv.gz | head | column -t
sample   chrom  intron_first  intron_last  strand  intron_motif  annotated  uniquely_mapped_reads  multimapped_reads  max_spliced_overhang
Sample1  1      6095444       6095529      1       1             1          1                      0                  19
Sample1  1      6095625       6096635      1       1             1          1                      0                  30
Sample1  1      10336743      10337073     1       1             1          1                      0                  33
Sample1  1      16206084      16206179     2       2             1          1                      0                  24
Sample1  1      16206341      16206947     2       2             1          1                      0                  8
Sample1  1      23691830      23692608     1       1             1          1                      0                  22
Sample1  1      23692760      23693806     1       1             1          1                      0                  31
Sample1  1      23804526      23808134     2       2             1          1                      0                  12
Sample1  1      27350133      27350388     1       1             1          1                      0                  28
zcat express.tsv.gz | head | column -t
sample   bundle_id  target_id        length  eff_length    tot_counts  uniq_counts  est_counts  eff_counts  ambig_distr_alpha  ambig_distr_beta  fpkm          fpkm_conf_low  fpkm_conf_high  solvable  tpm
Sample1  381        ENST00000216281  3379    3204.675807   1           0            0.500000    0.527198    1.000000e+00       1.000000e+00      7.436703e+01  0.000000e+00   2.231011e+02    F         8.208808e+01
Sample1  381        ENST00000334701  3510    3335.674784   1           0            0.500000    0.526130    1.000000e+00       1.000000e+00      7.144648e+01  0.000000e+00   2.143394e+02    F         7.886431e+01
Sample1  1594       ENST00000215832  11022   10847.616110  2           2            2.000000    2.032152    0.000000e+00       0.000000e+00      8.788003e+01  8.788003e+01   8.788003e+01    T         9.700405e+01
Sample1  1750       ENST00000310144  1579    1404.689867   1           0            0.500000    0.562046    1.000000e+00       1.000000e+00      1.696618e+02  0.000000e+00   5.089854e+02    F         1.872767e+02
Sample1  1750       ENST00000582130  828     653.695733    1           0            0.500000    0.633322    1.000000e+00       1.000000e+00      3.645767e+02  0.000000e+00   1.093730e+03    F         4.024283e+02
Sample1  1762       ENST00000616577  4814    4639.664599   4           0            0.280499    0.291039    1.000000e+00       1.000000e+00      2.881640e+01  0.000000e+00   2.386844e+02    F         3.180822e+01
Sample1  1762       ENST00000530705  4735    4560.665216   4           0            0.310656    0.322531    1.000000e+00       1.000000e+00      3.246727e+01  0.000000e+00   2.562418e+02    F         3.583814e+01
Sample1  1762       ENST00000379056  1101    926.693600    4           0            2.230352    2.649870    1.000000e+00       1.000000e+00      1.147181e+03  0.000000e+00   3.190887e+03    F         1.266285e+03
Sample1  1762       ENST00000528619  731     556.858785    1           0            0.000796    0.001044    1.000000e+00       1.000000e+00      6.809137e-01  0.000000e+00   2.007712e+01    F         7.516087e-01