Accept numbers in addition to units to *.padding, *.length #79
Instead of writing
geom_label_repel(box.padding = unit(0.25, "lines"),
label.padding = unit(0.25, "lines"), point.padding = unit(1e-06, "lines"),
label.r = unit(0.15, "lines"), min.segment.length = unit(0.5, "lines"))
it would be nice to write
geom_label_repel(box.padding = 0.25, label.padding = 0.25,
point.padding = 1e-06, label.r = 0.15, min.segment.length = 0.5)
and have it automatically convert those arguments to line units behind the scenes. This would be a useful shorthand, but it should also still accept units in case someone wants to use a non-line unit.
I'd be happy to implement this and submit a pull request if you think it's a good idea. Thanks for this package, I love it!