Remark plugin for adding a custom ID attribute to Markdown headers
This allows for stable and more meaningful anchor links in your generated HTML.
npm install remark-custom-header-id
import {remark} from 'remark';
import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype';
import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify';
import remarkCustomHeaderId from 'remark-custom-header-id';
const file = await remark()
.use(remarkRehype) // Markdown to HTML
.use(rehypeStringify) // Stringify the HTML
.process('# Foo {#custom-id}');
//=> '<h1 id="custom-id">Foo</h1>'
// astro.config.js
import remarkCustomHeaderId from 'remark-custom-header-id';
export default defineConfig({
// …
markdown: {
remarkPlugins: [
// …
The {#custom-id}
notation does not work in MDX files because MDX treats {}
as JSX syntax, causing a parsing error.
You can use one of these alternatives:
- Escape curly braces:
- Use this syntax:
## Some header \{#custom-id\}
## Some header ||custom-id||
Returns a transformer function to be used with Remark.