This role installs and deploys Peary through Ansible.
This role currently only supports Ubuntu/Debian systems.
The following role variables can be used to configure this role. All variables are listed along with default values as defined in defaults/main.yml
peary_repository: ""
- Git repository to fetch Peary code from. Replace with your own repository if you have additional code which is not contained in the main Peary repository.
peary_branch: master
- Peary version or Git branch to be deployed. The configured branch or tag has to exist in the selected repository.
peary_build_folder: /tmp/peary
peary_install_folder: /usr/local
peary_interface_emulation: false
- Select whether interfaces such as I2C or SPI should be emulated or not. Normally, interface emulation should be switched off on production systems and switched on if only decoding libraries are required, e.g. for deployment on a reconstruction machine.
peary_build_server: false
- Select whether to build the Peary server component or not.
peary_install_headers: true
- Select whether to install the framework headers or not. Installation is required in order to compile other software such as EUDAQ2 against Peary.
This role has no dependencies.
The following is an example playbook for installing Peary including the stand-alone Peary server:
- hosts: runcontrols
peary_build_server: true
- role: ansible-role-peary
Simon Spannagel ( DESY