[mcu rpi] serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu # ref https://www.klipper3d.org/Measuring_Resonances.html#bed-slinger-printers # we'll use a single adxl and swap the location between X&Y tests [adxl345] cs_pin: rpi:None [resonance_tester] accel_chip: adxl345 probe_points: 117, 117, 20 # an example [input_shaper] shaper_freq_x: 65.6 shaper_type_x: 3hump_ei shaper_freq_y: 37.6 shaper_type_y: mzv # ADXL345 - 11/Feb/2022 # X # Fitted shaper 'zv' frequency = 39.4 Hz (vibrations = 18.5%, smoothing ~= 0.103) # To avoid too much smoothing with 'zv', suggested max_accel <= 6000 mm/sec^2 # Fitted shaper 'mzv' frequency = 27.2 Hz (vibrations = 1.7%, smoothing ~= 0.275) # To avoid too much smoothing with 'mzv', suggested max_accel <= 2200 mm/sec^2 # Fitted shaper 'ei' frequency = 36.8 Hz (vibrations = 1.2%, smoothing ~= 0.238) # To avoid too much smoothing with 'ei', suggested max_accel <= 2500 mm/sec^2 # Fitted shaper '2hump_ei' frequency = 39.0 Hz (vibrations = 0.2%, smoothing ~= 0.355) # To avoid too much smoothing with '2hump_ei', suggested max_accel <= 1500 mm/sec^2 # Fitted shaper '3hump_ei' frequency = 65.6 Hz (vibrations = 0.8%, smoothing ~= 0.190) # To avoid too much smoothing with '3hump_ei', suggested max_accel <= 3200 mm/sec^2 # Recommended shaper is 3hump_ei @ 65.6 Hz # Y # Fitted shaper 'zv' frequency = 47.2 Hz (vibrations = 14.9%, smoothing ~= 0.075) # To avoid too much smoothing with 'zv', suggested max_accel <= 8700 mm/sec^2 # Fitted shaper 'mzv' frequency = 37.6 Hz (vibrations = 0.1%, smoothing ~= 0.144) # To avoid too much smoothing with 'mzv', suggested max_accel <= 4200 mm/sec^2 # Fitted shaper 'ei' frequency = 47.2 Hz (vibrations = 0.0%, smoothing ~= 0.145) # To avoid too much smoothing with 'ei', suggested max_accel <= 4100 mm/sec^2 # Fitted shaper '2hump_ei' frequency = 58.6 Hz (vibrations = 0.0%, smoothing ~= 0.157) # To avoid too much smoothing with '2hump_ei', suggested max_accel <= 3800 mm/sec^2 # Fitted shaper '3hump_ei' frequency = 70.2 Hz (vibrations = 0.0%, smoothing ~= 0.166) # To avoid too much smoothing with '3hump_ei', suggested max_accel <= 3600 mm/sec^2 # Recommended shaper is mzv @ 37.6 Hz