Implements regularized non-negative matrix factorization by a method similar to Lee & Seung, "Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization," 2001.
-- Steven E. Pav,
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Non-negative matrix factorization is a tool for decomposing a non-negative
This code is provided mostly for research purposes, and no warranty is given regarding speed, or convergence.
We demonstrate the usage of the multiplicative and additive updates in factoring a small matrix which we constructed to be the product of two reduced rank non-negative matrices.
frobenius_norm_err <- function(Y, L, R) {
sqrt(sum(abs(Y - L %*% R)^2))
runifmat <- function(nr, nc, ...) {
matrix(pmax(0, runif(nr * nc, ...)), nrow = nr)
test_a_bunch <- function(Y_t, L_0, R_0, niter = 10000L) {
iter_hist <- new.env()
iter_hist[["history"]] <- rep(NA_real_, niter)
on_iteration_end <- function(iteration, Y, L, R,
...) {
iter_hist[["history"]][iteration] <<- frobenius_norm_err(Y,
L, R)
wuz <- aurnmf(Y_t, L_0, R_0, max_iterations = niter,
on_iteration_end = on_iteration_end)
df1 <- tibble(x = seq_along(iter_hist[["history"]]),
y = iter_hist[["history"]]) %>%
mutate(method = "additive, optimal step")
iter_hist[["history"]] <- rep(NA_real_, niter)
wuz <- murnmf(Y_t, L_0, R_0, max_iterations = niter,
on_iteration_end = on_iteration_end)
df2 <- tibble(x = seq_along(iter_hist[["history"]]),
y = iter_hist[["history"]]) %>%
mutate(method = "multiplicative")
retv <- bind_rows(df1, df2) %>%
mutate(nr = nrow(Y_t), nc = ncol(Y_t), nd = ncol(L_0),
max_iter = niter)
nr <- 30
nc <- 8
nd <- 3
L_t <- runifmat(nr, nd)
R_t <- runifmat(nd, nc)
Y_t <- L_t %*% R_t
L_0 <- runifmat(nrow(Y_t), nd + 1)
R_0 <- runifmat(ncol(L_0), ncol(Y_t))
test_a_bunch(Y_t, L_0, R_0, niter = 10000L) %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y, color = method)) + geom_line() +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::comma) + scale_y_log10() +
labs(x = "Step", y = expression(L[2] ~ ~Error),
title = "Frobenius Norm of Error vs Step",
color = "Method", caption = paste0("Factoring ",
nr, " x ", nc, " matrix down to ", nd,
" dimensions."))
- Lee, Daniel D. and Seung, H. Sebastian. Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization, 2001.
- Pav, Steven E. System and method for unmixing spectroscopic observations with nonnegative matrix factorization, 2012.