import Commander import Foundation import SwiftyKit import MockGenerator func validateTemplateName(_ templateName: String) throws -> String { guard validTemplateNames.contains(templateName) else { throw error("You must choose a valid template name: \(formattedValidTemplateNames)") } return templateName } let validTemplateNames = ["spy", "stub", "dummy", "partial"] var formattedValidTemplateNames: String = validTemplateNames.joined(separator: "|") command( Argument( "project-directory", description: "The project directory will be searched to find all the target types to be mocked." ), VariadicOption( "target-name", default: [], description: "The name of the protocol or class to mock. You may specify more that one e.g. --target-name MyProtocol --target-name MyClass" ), VariadicOption( "import", default: [], description: "The name of a module to import. You may specify more than one e.g. --import MyModule --import Foundation" ), VariadicOption( "testable-import", default: [], description: "The name of a module to import using the @testable attribute. You may specify more than one e.g. --testable-import MyModule --testable-import Foundation" ), Flag("use-tabs", description: "Include this flag to indent using tabs."), Option( "indentation-width", default: 4, description: "The number of spaces to indent. Ignored if --use-tabs is true." ), Option( "template-name", default: "spy", description: "Possible values: \(formattedValidTemplateNames)", validator: validateTemplateName ), Option( "mock-prefix", default: "", description: "The string to prepend to the target name when creating the mock class." ), Option( "mock-postfix", default: "", description: "The string to append to the target name when creating the mock class." ), Option( "out-dir", default: ".", description: "The directory used to write the mock class to disk." ), Option( "generation-comment", default: "// DO NOT EDIT: Generated by", description: "The comment displayed at the top of the file to indicate that it is a generated file." ) ) { directory, targetNames, imports, testableImports, useTabs, indentationWidth, templateName, prefix, postfix, outDir, generationComment in if targetNames.isEmpty { throw error("You must specify at least one --target-name") } if prefix.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty && postfix.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty { throw error("You must specify --mock-prefix and/or --mock-postfix") } setUpSwifty( projectURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: directory), useTabs: useTabs, indentationWidth: indentationWidth ) try targetNames.forEach { targetName in try GenerateMockCommand( targetName: targetName, importModules: imports, testableImportModules: testableImports, templateName: templateName, mockPrefix: prefix, mockPostfix: postfix, outDirectory: outDir, generationComment: generationComment ).execute() } }.run()