import base64 import collections import hashlib import socket import urllib.parse as urlp __all__ = ['SVNClient'] class SVNProtocolError(Exception): pass class SVNServerError(SVNProtocolError): def __init__(self, msg): super().__init__('Server replied with error: {0!r}'.format(msg)) self.server_error = msg class SVNString(bytes): pass DirEntry = collections.namedtuple('DirEntry', ['name', 'kind', 'size', 'has_props', 'created_rev', 'created_date', 'last_author']) class SVNClient: def __init__(self, url): parts = urlp.urlsplit(url, allow_fragments=False) if parts.scheme.lower() != 'svn': raise Exception("SVN is the only scheme supported for pure SVN protocol for {0}".format(url)) self.url = url port = parts.port if port is None: port = 3690 self.server = (parts.hostname, port) self.s = None def connect(self): if self.s: return self.s = socket.create_connection(self.server) caps = greeting(self.s, self.url) result, extra = auth(self.s) if not result: self.s.close() self.s = None raise SVNServerError('Authentication failed: {0}'.format(extra.decode('utf-8'))) self.auth_token = extra uuid, repo_url, repo_caps = repos_info(self.s) self.uuid = uuid self.repo_url = repo_url self.caps = caps + repo_caps def __enter__(self): self.connect() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.s.close() self.s = None return False def get_latest_rev(self): return get_latest_rev(self.s) def check_path(self, path, rev = None): return check_path(self.s, path, rev) def get_dir(self, path, rev = None, want_props=False, want_contents=False, dirent_fields=None): return get_dir(self.s, path, rev, want_props, want_contents, dirent_fields) def get_file(s, path, rev, want_props=False, want_contents=False): return get_file(self.s, path, rev, want_props, want_contents) def get_props(self, path, rev=None): kind = self.check_path(path, rev) if kind == b'dir': revision, props, entries = self.get_dir(path, rev, True, False, None) elif kind == b'file': checksum, revision, props, content = self.get_file(path, rev, True, False) else: props = None return props def get_entries(self, path, rev=None, dirent_fields=None): kind = self.check_path(path, rev) if kind == b'dir': revision, props, entries = self.get_dir(path, rev, False, True, dirent_fields) else: entries = None return entries # TOKENS OPENING_PAREN = object() CLOSING_PAREN = object() SPACES = b' \n' BOOLEANS = [b'false', b'true'] KINDS = [b'none', b'file', b'dir', b'unknown'] def build_reply(obj): if type(obj) is SVNString: return b'%d:%b ' % (len(obj), obj) elif type(obj) is str: return b'%d:%b ' % (len(obj), obj.encode('ascii')) elif type(obj) is bytes: return b'%b ' % (obj, ) elif type(obj) is int: return b'%d ' % (obj, ) elif type(obj) is bool: return b'true ' if obj else b'false ' elif type(obj) is tuple: return b'( %b) ' % (b''.join( build_reply(o) for o in obj), ) else: raise Exception("Invalid object type {0!s} when building svn reply", type(obj)) def readit(s, sz=1): while True: yield s.recv(sz) def read_string(s, length): # Read ending space too length += 1 data = bytearray(length) view = memoryview(data) while len(view) > 0: rln = s.recv_into(view) if rln == 0: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected end of stream while reading a string of length {0}'.format(length)) view = view[rln:] if data[-1:] not in SPACES: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected character at end of string: {0!r}'.format(data[-1:])) return SVNString(data[:-1]) def read_tokens(s): buf = None for b in readit(s): if not b: # End of stream return elif b in SPACES: if buf is not None: yield buf buf = None continue elif b == b':': if type(buf) is not int: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected colon without digits before: {0!r}'.format(buf)) yield read_string(s, buf) buf = None elif b == b')': if buf is not None: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected closing parenthesis after digits or alpha: {0!r}'.format(buf)) buf = s.recv(1) if buf not in SPACES: raise SVNProtocolError('Missing space after closing parenthesis: {0!r}'.format(buf)) yield CLOSING_PAREN buf = None elif b == b'(': if buf is not None: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected opening parenthesis after digits or alpha: {0!r}'.format(buf)) buf = s.recv(1) if buf not in SPACES: raise SVNProtocolError('Missing space after closing parenthesis: {0!r}'.format(buf)) yield OPENING_PAREN buf = None elif b.isdigit(): # Accumulate to buffer d = int(b, 10) if buf is None: buf = d elif type(buf) is int: buf = buf * 10 + d else: buf += b elif b.isalpha(): if buf is None: buf = b elif type(buf) is int: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected alpha {1!r} after digits: {0!r}'.format(buf, b)) else: buf += b elif b == b'-': if buf is None: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected dash out of nowhere') elif type(buf) is int: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected dash after digits: {0!r}'.format(buf, b)) else: buf += b def read_tuple(s, got_open=False): it = read_tokens(s) if not got_open: try: token = next(it) except StopIteration: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected end of stream') from None if token is not OPENING_PAREN: raise SVNProtocolError('An opening parenthesis was expected, got: {0!r}'.format(token)) items = list() for token in it: if token is CLOSING_PAREN: return tuple(items) elif token is OPENING_PAREN: items.append(read_tuple(s, True)) else: items.append(token) raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected end of stream, closing parenthesis expected') def read_response(s): l = read_tuple(s) if len(l) != 2: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected response length, got: {0!r}'.format(l)) if l[0] == b'success': return l[1] if l[0] == b'failure': raise SVNServerError(l[1]) raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected response result, got: {0!r}'.format(l[0])) def parse_dirent(dirent): assert(type(dirent) is tuple) assert(len(dirent) == 7) assert(type(dirent[0]) is SVNString) assert(type(dirent[1]) is bytes and dirent[1] in KINDS) assert(type(dirent[2]) is int) assert(type(dirent[3]) is bytes and dirent[3] in BOOLEANS) assert(type(dirent[4]) is int) assert(type(dirent[5]) is tuple) assert(len(dirent[5]) == 0 or (len(dirent[5]) == 1 and type(dirent[5][0]) is SVNString)) assert(type(dirent[6]) is tuple) assert(len(dirent[6]) == 0 or (len(dirent[6]) == 1 and type(dirent[6][0]) is SVNString)) name = dirent[0] kind = dirent[1] size = dirent[2] has_props = dirent[3] == b'true' created_rev = dirent[4] created_date = None if len(dirent[5]) == 0 else dirent[5][0] last_author = None if len(dirent[6]) == 0 else dirent[6][0] return DirEntry(name, kind, size, has_props, created_rev, created_date, last_author) def greeting(s, url): server_greeting = read_response(s) assert(type(server_greeting) is tuple) assert(len(server_greeting) == 4) assert(type(server_greeting[0]) is int) assert(type(server_greeting[1]) is int) assert(type(server_greeting[2]) is tuple) assert(type(server_greeting[3]) is tuple) assert(all(type(i) is bytes for i in server_greeting[3])) ver_min, ver_max, mechs, caps = server_greeting if 2 not in range(ver_min, ver_max+1): raise SVNProtocolError('Version {0}-{1} unsupported, wanted {2}'.format(ver_min, ver_max, 2)) client_greeting = build_reply((2, (b'edit-pipeline', b'svndiff1', b'accepts-svndiff2', b'absent-entries'), url, 'check-versions/1.0', tuple())) s.send(client_greeting) return caps def auth(s): auth_request = read_response(s) assert(type(auth_request) is tuple) assert(len(auth_request) == 2) assert(type(auth_request[0]) is tuple) assert(all(type(i) is bytes for i in auth_request[0])) assert(type(auth_request[1]) is SVNString) mechs, realm = auth_request if b'ANONYMOUS' not in mechs: raise SVNProtocolError('Only ANONYMOUS auth mechanism supported: {0!r}'.format(mechs)) auth_reply = build_reply((b'ANONYMOUS', (SVNString(base64.b64encode(b'anonymous@anonymous')), ))) s.send(auth_reply) # Not a response but only a tuple auth_result = read_tuple(s) assert(type(auth_result) is tuple) assert(len(auth_result) == 2) assert(type(auth_result[0]) is bytes) assert(type(auth_result[1]) is tuple) if auth_result[0] == b'success': assert(len(auth_result[1]) == 0 or (len(auth_result[1]) == 1 and type(auth_result[1][0]) is SVNString)) token = auth_result[1][0] if len(auth_result[1]) else None return True, token elif auth_result[0] == b'failure': assert(len(auth_result[1]) == 1) assert(type(auth_result[1][0]) is SVNString) return False, auth_result[1][0] elif auth_result[0] == b'step': raise SVNProtocolError('Step in authentication unsupported') else: raise SVNProtocolError('Got unknown authentication result: {0!r}'.format(auth_result[0])) def repos_info(s): infos = read_response(s) assert(type(infos) is tuple) assert(len(infos) == 3) assert(type(infos[0]) is SVNString) assert(type(infos[1]) is SVNString) assert(type(infos[2]) is tuple) assert(all(type(i) is bytes for i in infos[2])) uuid, repo_url, caps = infos return uuid, repo_url, caps def send_command(s, command): req = build_reply(command) s.send(req) auth_request = read_response(s) assert(type(auth_request) is tuple) assert(len(auth_request) == 2) assert(type(auth_request[0]) is tuple) assert(all(type(i) is bytes for i in auth_request[0])) assert(type(auth_request[1]) is SVNString) mechs, realm = auth_request if len(mechs): raise SVNProtocolError('Reauthentication not supported') return read_response(s) def get_latest_rev(s): result = send_command(s, (b'get-latest-rev', tuple())) assert(type(result) is tuple) assert(len(result) == 1) assert(type(result[0]) is int) return result[0] def check_path(s, path, rev = None): if rev is None: rev = tuple() else: rev = (rev, ) result = send_command(s, (b'check-path', (path, rev))) assert(type(result) is tuple) assert(len(result) == 1) assert(type(result[0]) is bytes) return result[0] def get_dir(s, path, rev = None, want_props=False, want_contents=False, dirent_fields=None): if rev is None: rev = tuple() else: rev = (rev, ) if dirent_fields is None: if want_contents: dirent_fields = (b'kind', b'size', b'has-props', b'created-rev', b'time', b'last-author',b'word') else: dirent_fields = tuple() # We don't send want_iprops and don't expect a reply with it result = send_command(s, (b'get-dir', (path, rev, want_props, want_contents, dirent_fields))) assert(type(result) is tuple) assert(len(result) >= 3) assert(type(result[0]) is int) assert(type(result[1]) is tuple) assert(type(result[2]) is tuple) revision = result[0] props = None if want_props: assert(all( type(p) is tuple and len(p) == 2 and type(p[0]) is SVNString and type(p[1]) is SVNString for p in result[1])) props = dict(result[1]) entries = None if want_contents: assert(all(type(entry) is tuple for entry in result[2])) entries = list(parse_dirent(entry) for entry in result[2]) return revision, props, entries def get_file(s, path, rev, want_props=False, want_contents=False): if rev is None: rev = tuple() else: rev = (rev, ) # We don't send want_iprops and don't expect a reply with it result = send_command(s, (b'get-file', (path, rev, want_props, want_contents))) assert(type(result) is tuple) assert(len(result) == 3) assert(type(result[0]) is tuple) assert(len(result[0]) == 0 or (len(result[0]) == 1 and type(result[0][0]) is SVNString)) assert(type(result[1]) is int) assert(type(result[2]) is tuple) checksum = result[0][0].decode('ascii') if len(result[0]) else None revision = result[1] props = None if want_props: assert(all( type(p) is tuple and len(p) == 2 and type(p[0]) is SVNString and type(p[1]) is SVNString for p in result[2])) props = dict(result[2]) content = None if want_contents: md5 = hashlib.md5() content = b'' for token in read_tokens(s): if type(token) is not SVNString: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected token when receiving contents: {0!r}'.format(token)) if len(token) == 0: break content += token md5.update(token) else: raise SVNProtocolError('Unexpected end of stream when receiving contents') result = read_response(s) assert(type(result) is tuple and len(result) == 0) digest = md5.hexdigest() if checksum and digest != checksum: raise SVNProtocolError('Invalid checksum while fetching contents: {0} (expected {1})'.format(digest, checksum)) return checksum, revision, props, content def test(): server = ("", 3690) url = 'svn://' path = '' s = socket.create_connection(server) print(greeting(s, url)) print(auth(s)) print(repos_info(s)) rev = get_latest_rev(s) print(rev) kind = check_path(s, path, rev) print(kind) if kind == b'dir': print(get_dir(s, path, rev, True, True)) elif kind == b'file': print(get_file(s, path, rev, True, True)) if __name__ == '__main__': test()