import urllib.request as urlr import urllib.parse as urlp import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import checkers import svn_protocol def parse_multistatus(baseurl, data): if data.tag != '{DAV:}multistatus': raise Exception("Expected {DAV:}multistatus") items = data.iterfind('./{DAV:}response') all_files = dict() for item in items: status = item.find('.//{DAV:}status') if status is None: raise Exception("Missing {DAV:}status in response") status_code = int(status.text.split(' ', 2)[1]) if status_code != 200: continue href = item.find('./{DAV:}href') if href is None: raise Exception("Missing {DAV:}href in response") href = href.text href = urlp.urljoin(baseurl, href) all_props = dict() for prop in item.findall('./{DAV:}propstat/{DAV:}prop/*'): all_props[prop.tag] = prop.text all_files[href] = all_props return all_files @checkers.cache def fetch_props(url, depth, props, context=None): parts = urlp.urlsplit(url, allow_fragments=False) if parts.scheme.lower() not in('http' ,'https'): raise Exception("HTTP and HTTPS are the only schemes supported for SVN protocol for {0}".format(url)) tags_url = urlp.urlunsplit(parts) propfind = ET.Element('{DAV:}propfind') prop = ET.SubElement(propfind, '{DAV:}prop') for p in props: ET.SubElement(prop, p) data = ET.tostring(propfind, encoding="utf-8") req = urlr.Request(url, method="PROPFIND", data=data) req.add_header('Depth', str(depth)) with urlr.urlopen(req, context=context) as reply: if reply.status != 207: raise Exception("Can't load SVN informations for {0}".format(repository)) data = ET.fromstring( return parse_multistatus(url, data) def dav_get_version(repository, context=None): objects = fetch_props(repository, 0, ('{DAV:}version-name', ), context) # Reply has only 1 item props = next(iter(objects.values())) online_version = props['{DAV:}version-name'] return online_version def svn_get_version(repository): with svn_protocol.SVNClient(repository) as client: props = client.get_props('') online_version = props[b'svn:entry:committed-rev'].decode('utf-8') return online_version def dav_list_tags(repository, context=None): objects = fetch_props(repository, 1, tuple(), context) urls = objects.keys() # Unquote, isolate path and remove leading / basepath = urlp.urlsplit(urlp.unquote(repository)).path.rstrip('/') # Remove double / but keep the first one basepath = basepath.split('/') basepath[1:] = filter(None, basepath[1:]) basepath = '/'.join(basepath) # Unquote, isolate path and remove trailing / # URLs are already normalized by urljoin paths = (urlp.urlsplit(urlp.unquote(url)).path.rstrip('/') for url in urls) # Remove basepath (we don't need current directory, only children) names = (path.rsplit('/', 1)[1] for path in paths if path != basepath) return names def svn_list_tags(repository): with svn_protocol.SVNClient(repository) as client: entries = client.get_entries('', None, tuple()) if entries is None: raise Exception("Can't list SVN entries for {0}".format(repository)) names = ('utf-8') for entry in entries) return names def svn_commit(version, *, repository, context=None): parts = urlp.urlsplit(repository, allow_fragments=False) if parts.scheme.lower() == 'svn': online_version = svn_get_version(repository) elif parts.scheme.lower() in('http' ,'https'): online_version = dav_get_version(repository, context) else: raise Exception("Scheme {0} not supported as SVN protocol for {1}".format(parts.scheme.lower(), repository)) return online_version == version, online_version, "repository URL: {0}".format(repository) checkers.register('svn commit', svn_commit) def svn_tag(version, *, repository, context=None, **kwargs): parts = urlp.urlsplit(repository, allow_fragments=False) if parts.scheme.lower() == 'svn': names = svn_list_tags(repository) elif parts.scheme.lower() in('http' ,'https'): names = dav_list_tags(repository, context) else: raise Exception("Scheme {0} not supported as SVN protocol for {1}".format(parts.scheme.lower(), repository)) # Apply user filters, change delimiter and sort matching_tags = checkers.prepare_versions(names, **kwargs) if len(matching_tags) == 0: print("WARNING: no matching tags for {0} with {1}".format( repository, checkers.describe_filter(**kwargs))) return True, 'none', "repository URL: {0}".format(repository) try: current_idx = matching_tags.index(version) except ValueError: print("WARNING: version {2} not in matched tags for {0} with {1}".format( repository, checkers.describe_filter(**kwargs)), version) current_idx = -1 latest = matching_tags[0] return current_idx == 0, latest, "repository URL: {0}".format(repository) checkers.register('svn tag', svn_tag)