import argparse from datetime import datetime from time import time from superagi.lib.logger import logger from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from superagi.worker import execute_agent from superagi.models.agent import Agent from superagi.models.agent_config import AgentConfiguration from superagi.models.agent_execution import AgentExecution from superagi.models.db import connect_db from superagi.models.organisation import Organisation from superagi.models.project import Project parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create a new agent.') parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, help='Agent name for the script.') parser.add_argument('--description', type=str, help='Agent description for the script.') parser.add_argument('--goals', type=str, nargs='+', help='Agent goals for the script.') args = parser.parse_args() agent_name = agent_description = args.description agent_goals = args.goals engine = connect_db() Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() def ask_user_for_goals(): goals = [] while True: goal = input("Enter a goal (or 'q' to quit): ") if goal == 'q': break goals.append(goal) return goals def run_superagi_cli(agent_name=None, agent_description=None, agent_goals=None): # Create default organization organization = Organisation(name='Default Organization', description='Default organization description') session.add(organization) session.flush() # Flush pending changes to generate the agent's ID session.commit() # Create default project associated with the organization project = Project(name='Default Project', description='Default project description', session.add(project) session.flush() # Flush pending changes to generate the agent's ID session.commit() # Agent if agent_name is None: agent_name = input("Enter agent name: ") if agent_description is None: agent_description = input("Enter agent description: ") agent = Agent(name=agent_name, description=agent_description, session.add(agent) session.flush() session.commit() # Agent Config # Create Agent Configuration agent_config_values = { "goal": ask_user_for_goals() if agent_goals is None else agent_goals, "agent_type": "Type Non-Queue", "constraints": ["~4000 word limit for short term memory. ", "Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.", "If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.", "No user assistance", "Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. \"command name\"" ], "tools": [], "exit": "Default", "iteration_interval": 0, "model": "gpt-4", "permission_type": "Default", "LTM_DB": "Pinecone", "memory_window": 10 } agent_configurations = [ AgentConfiguration(, key=key, value=str(value)) for key, value in agent_config_values.items() ] session.add_all(agent_configurations) session.commit()"Agent Config : ") # Create agent execution in RUNNING state associated with the agent execution = AgentExecution(status='RUNNING',, last_execution_time=datetime.utcnow()) session.add(execution) session.commit()"Final Execution") execute_agent.delay(, run_superagi_cli(agent_name=agent_name, agent_description=agent_description, agent_goals=agent_goals)