Lorenzo Torresani's Structure from Motion Matlab code
I have cleaned up the C-code so that is is GCC compilable for Matlab and GNU Octave.
Tested in Matlab R2015a and Octave 4.0 on Linux
randomshapes_demo.m shark_demo.m
(plot is from GNU Octave 4.0)
from Matlab/Octave Command Window, type:
mex computeH.c
Non-Rigid Structure From Motion with Gaussian/LDS Deformation Model
Copyright (c) by Lorenzo Torresani, Stanford University
Based on the following paper:
Lorenzo Torresani, Aaron Hertzmann and Christoph Bregler, Learning Non-Rigid 3D Shape from 2D Motion, NIPS 16, 2003 http://cs.stanford.edu/~ltorresa/projects/learning-nr-shape/