import pyhf import pytest import pyhf.exceptions import numpy as np import json def test_minimum_model_spec(): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'channel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'goodsample', 'data': [1.0], 'modifiers': [ {'type': 'normfactor', 'name': 'mu', 'data': None} ], }, ], } ] } pyhf.Model(spec) def test_pdf_inputs(backend): source = { "binning": [2, -0.5, 1.5], "bindata": {"data": [55.0], "bkg": [50.0], "bkgerr": [7.0], "sig": [10.0]}, } pdf = pyhf.simplemodels.uncorrelated_background( source['bindata']['sig'], source['bindata']['bkg'], source['bindata']['bkgerr'] ) pars = pdf.config.suggested_init() data = source['bindata']['data'] + pdf.config.auxdata tensorlib, _ = backend assert tensorlib.shape(tensorlib.astensor(data)) == (2,) assert tensorlib.shape(tensorlib.astensor(pars)) == (2,) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.pdf(pars, data)) == pytest.approx( [0.002417160663753748], abs=1e-4 ) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.logpdf(pars, data)) == pytest.approx( [-6.025179228209936], abs=1e-4 ) def test_invalid_pdf_pars(): source = { "binning": [2, -0.5, 1.5], "bindata": {"data": [55.0], "bkg": [50.0], "bkgerr": [7.0], "sig": [10.0]}, } pdf = pyhf.simplemodels.uncorrelated_background( source['bindata']['sig'], source['bindata']['bkg'], source['bindata']['bkgerr'] ) pars = pdf.config.suggested_init() + [1.0] data = source['bindata']['data'] + pdf.config.auxdata with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.InvalidPdfParameters): pdf.logpdf(pars, data) def test_invalid_pdf_data(): source = { "binning": [2, -0.5, 1.5], "bindata": {"data": [55.0], "bkg": [50.0], "bkgerr": [7.0], "sig": [10.0]}, } pdf = pyhf.simplemodels.uncorrelated_background( source['bindata']['sig'], source['bindata']['bkg'], source['bindata']['bkgerr'] ) pars = pdf.config.suggested_init() data = source['bindata']['data'] + [10.0] + pdf.config.auxdata with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.InvalidPdfData): pdf.logpdf(pars, data) @pytest.mark.parametrize('batch_size', [None, 2]) def test_pdf_expected_data_by_sample(backend, batch_size): tb, _ = backend source = { "binning": [2, -0.5, 1.5], "bindata": {"data": [55.0], "bkg": [50.0], "bkgerr": [7.0], "sig": [10.0]}, } pdf = pyhf.simplemodels.uncorrelated_background( source['bindata']['sig'], source['bindata']['bkg'], source['bindata']['bkgerr'], batch_size=batch_size, ) nrepeats = (batch_size, 1) if batch_size else (1,) init_pars = tb.tile(tb.astensor(pdf.config.suggested_init()), nrepeats) expected_data = tb.tile(tb.astensor([60]), nrepeats) expected_bkg = tb.tile(tb.astensor([50]), nrepeats) expected_sig = tb.tile(tb.astensor([10]), nrepeats) assert tb.tolist(pdf.main_model.expected_data(init_pars)) == tb.tolist( expected_data ) data = pdf.main_model.expected_data(init_pars, return_by_sample=True) if batch_size: data = tb.tolist(tb.einsum('ij...->ji...', data)) sample_expected_data = dict(zip(pdf.config.samples, tb.tolist(data))) assert sample_expected_data['background'] == tb.tolist(expected_bkg) assert sample_expected_data['signal'] == tb.tolist(expected_sig) def test_pdf_basicapi_tests(backend): source = { "binning": [2, -0.5, 1.5], "bindata": {"data": [55.0], "bkg": [50.0], "bkgerr": [7.0], "sig": [10.0]}, } pdf = pyhf.simplemodels.uncorrelated_background( source['bindata']['sig'], source['bindata']['bkg'], source['bindata']['bkgerr'] ) pars = pdf.config.suggested_init() data = source['bindata']['data'] + pdf.config.auxdata tensorlib, _ = backend assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.pdf(pars, data)) == pytest.approx( [0.002417118312751542], 2.5e-05 ) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_data(pars)) == pytest.approx( [60.0, 51.020408630], 1e-08 ) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_actualdata(pars)) == pytest.approx( [60.0], 1e-08 ) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_auxdata(pars)) == pytest.approx( [51.020408630], 1e-08 ) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.main_model.expected_data(pars)) == pytest.approx( [60.0], 1e-08 ) pdf = pyhf.simplemodels.uncorrelated_background( source['bindata']['sig'], source['bindata']['bkg'], source['bindata']['bkgerr'], batch_size=2, ) pars = [pdf.config.suggested_init()] * 2 data = source['bindata']['data'] + pdf.config.auxdata tensorlib, _ = backend assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.pdf(pars, data)) == pytest.approx( [0.002417118312751542] * 2, 2.5e-05 ) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_data(pars)) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_data(pars)[0]) == pytest.approx( [60.0, 51.020408630], 1e-08 ) assert tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_data(pars)[1]) == pytest.approx( [60.0, 51.020408630], 1e-08 ) @pytest.mark.only_numpy def test_core_pdf_broadcasting(backend): data = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] lambdas = [15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10] naive_python = [pyhf.tensorlib.poisson(d, lam) for d, lam in zip(data, lambdas)] broadcasted = pyhf.tensorlib.poisson(data, lambdas) assert np.array(data).shape == np.array(lambdas).shape assert broadcasted.shape == np.array(data).shape assert np.all(naive_python == broadcasted) data = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] mus = [15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10] sigmas = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] naive_python = [ pyhf.tensorlib.normal(d, mu, sig) for d, mu, sig in zip(data, mus, sigmas) ] broadcasted = pyhf.tensorlib.normal(data, mus, sigmas) assert np.array(data).shape == np.array(mus).shape assert np.array(data).shape == np.array(sigmas).shape assert broadcasted.shape == np.array(data).shape assert np.all(naive_python == broadcasted) def test_pdf_integration_staterror(backend): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'firstchannel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'mu', 'data': [10.0, 10.0], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'mu', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, { 'name': 'bkg1', 'data': [50.0, 70.0], 'modifiers': [ { 'name': 'stat_firstchannel', 'type': 'staterror', 'data': [12.0, 12.0], } ], }, { 'name': 'bkg2', 'data': [30.0, 20.0], 'modifiers': [ { 'name': 'stat_firstchannel', 'type': 'staterror', 'data': [5.0, 5.0], } ], }, {'name': 'bkg3', 'data': [20.0, 15.0], 'modifiers': []}, ], } ] } pdf = pyhf.Model(spec) par_set = pdf.config.param_set('stat_firstchannel') tensorlib, _ = backend uncerts = tensorlib.astensor([[12.0, 12.0], [5.0, 5.0]]) nominal = tensorlib.astensor([[50.0, 70.0], [30.0, 20.0]]) quad = tensorlib.sqrt(tensorlib.sum(tensorlib.power(uncerts, 2), axis=0)) totals = tensorlib.sum(nominal, axis=0) assert pytest.approx(tensorlib.tolist(par_set.sigmas)) == tensorlib.tolist( tensorlib.divide(quad, totals) ) def test_poiless_model(backend): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'channel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'goodsample', 'data': [10.0], 'modifiers': [ { 'type': 'normsys', 'name': 'shape', 'data': {"hi": 0.5, "lo": 1.5}, } ], }, ], } ] } model = pyhf.Model(spec, poi_name=None) data = [12] + model.config.auxdata, model) with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.UnspecifiedPOI): pyhf.infer.mle.fixed_poi_fit(1.0, data, model) with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.UnspecifiedPOI): pyhf.infer.hypotest(1.0, data, model) def test_poiless_model_empty_string(backend): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'channel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'goodsample', 'data': [10.0], 'modifiers': [ { 'type': 'normsys', 'name': 'shape', 'data': {"hi": 0.5, "lo": 1.5}, } ], }, ], } ] } model = pyhf.Model(spec, poi_name="") data = [12] + model.config.auxdata, model) with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.UnspecifiedPOI): pyhf.infer.mle.fixed_poi_fit(1.0, data, model) with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.UnspecifiedPOI): pyhf.infer.hypotest(1.0, data, model) def test_pdf_integration_shapesys_zeros(backend): spec = { "channels": [ { "name": "channel1", "samples": [ { "data": [20.0, 10.0, 5.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0], "modifiers": [ {"data": None, "name": "mu", "type": "normfactor"} ], "name": "signal", }, { "data": [100.0, 90, 0.0, 70, 0.1, 50], "modifiers": [ { "data": [10, 9, 1, 0.0, 0.1, 5], "name": "syst", "type": "shapesys", } ], "name": "background1", }, ], } ] } pdf = pyhf.Model(spec) par_set_syst = pdf.config.param_set('syst') assert par_set_syst.n_parameters == 6 tensorlib, _ = backend nominal_sq = tensorlib.power(tensorlib.astensor([100.0, 90, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 50]), 2) uncerts_sq = tensorlib.power(tensorlib.astensor([10, 9, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 5]), 2) factors = tensorlib.divide(nominal_sq, uncerts_sq) assert pytest.approx(tensorlib.tolist(par_set_syst.factors)) == tensorlib.tolist( factors ) @pytest.mark.only_numpy def test_pdf_integration_histosys(backend): source = json.load(open('validation/data/2bin_histosys_example2.json')) spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'singlechannel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'signal', 'data': source['bindata']['sig'], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'mu', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, { 'name': 'background', 'data': source['bindata']['bkg'], 'modifiers': [ { 'name': 'bkg_norm', 'type': 'histosys', 'data': { 'lo_data': source['bindata']['bkgsys_dn'], 'hi_data': source['bindata']['bkgsys_up'], }, } ], }, ], } ] } pdf = pyhf.Model(spec) pars = [None, None] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [1.0], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [102, 190] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [2.0], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [104, 230] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [-1.0], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [98, 100] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [-2.0], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [96, 50] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [1.0], [1.0], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [ 102 + 30, 190 + 95, ] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [1.0], [-1.0], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [ 98 + 30, 100 + 95, ] def test_pdf_integration_normsys(backend): source = json.load(open('validation/data/2bin_histosys_example2.json')) spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'singlechannel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'signal', 'data': source['bindata']['sig'], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'mu', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, { 'name': 'background', 'data': source['bindata']['bkg'], 'modifiers': [ { 'name': 'bkg_norm', 'type': 'normsys', 'data': {'lo': 0.9, 'hi': 1.1}, } ], }, ], } ] } pdf = pyhf.Model(spec) pars = [None, None] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [0.0], ] assert np.allclose( pyhf.tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False)), [100, 150], ) pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [1.0], ] assert np.allclose( pyhf.tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False)), [100 * 1.1, 150 * 1.1], ) pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [-1.0], ] assert np.allclose( pyhf.tensorlib.tolist(pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False)), [100 * 0.9, 150 * 0.9], ) @pytest.mark.only_numpy def test_pdf_integration_shapesys(backend): source = json.load(open('validation/data/2bin_histosys_example2.json')) spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'singlechannel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'signal', 'data': source['bindata']['sig'], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'mu', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, { 'name': 'background', 'data': source['bindata']['bkg'], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'bkg_norm', 'type': 'shapesys', 'data': [10, 10]} ], }, ], } ] } pdf = pyhf.Model(spec) pars = [None, None] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [1.0, 1.0], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [100, 150] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [1.1, 1.0], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [100 * 1.1, 150] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [1.0, 1.1], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [100, 150 * 1.1] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [1.1, 0.9], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [ 100 * 1.1, 150 * 0.9, ] pars[pdf.config.par_slice('mu')], pars[pdf.config.par_slice('bkg_norm')] = [ [0.0], [0.9, 1.1], ] assert pdf.expected_data(pars, include_auxdata=False).tolist() == [ 100 * 0.9, 150 * 1.1, ] def test_invalid_modifier(): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'channel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'ttbar', 'data': [1], 'modifiers': [ { 'name': 'a_name', 'type': 'this_should_not_exist', 'data': [1], } ], } ], } ] } with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.InvalidModifier): pyhf.pdf.Model(spec, validate=False) # don't validate to delay exception def test_invalid_modifier_name_resuse(): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'singlechannel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'signal', 'data': [5.0], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'reused_name', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, { 'name': 'background', 'data': [50.0], 'modifiers': [ { 'name': 'reused_name', 'type': 'normsys', 'data': {'lo': 0.9, 'hi': 1.1}, } ], }, ], } ] } with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.InvalidNameReuse): pyhf.Model(spec, poi_name='reused_name') def test_override_paramset_defaults(): source = json.load(open('validation/data/2bin_histosys_example2.json')) spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'singlechannel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'signal', 'data': source['bindata']['sig'], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'mu', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, { 'name': 'background', 'data': source['bindata']['bkg'], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'bkg_norm', 'type': 'shapesys', 'data': [10, 10]} ], }, ], } ], 'parameters': [ {'name': 'bkg_norm', 'inits': [99, 99], 'bounds': [[95, 95], [95, 95]]} ], } pdf = pyhf.Model(spec) assert pdf.config.param_set('bkg_norm').suggested_bounds == [[95, 95], [95, 95]] assert pdf.config.param_set('bkg_norm').suggested_init == [99, 99] def test_override_paramsets_incorrect_num_parameters(): source = json.load(open('validation/data/2bin_histosys_example2.json')) spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'singlechannel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'signal', 'data': source['bindata']['sig'], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'mu', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, { 'name': 'background', 'data': source['bindata']['bkg'], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'bkg_norm', 'type': 'shapesys', 'data': [10, 10]} ], }, ], } ], 'parameters': [{'name': 'bkg_norm', 'inits': [99, 99], 'bounds': [[95, 95]]}], } with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.InvalidModel): pyhf.Model(spec) def test_lumi_np_scaling(): spec = { "channels": [ { "name": "channel1", "samples": [ { "data": [20.0, 10.0], "modifiers": [ { "data": None, "name": "SigXsecOverSM", "type": "normfactor", }, {"data": None, "name": "lumi", "type": "lumi"}, ], "name": "signal", }, {"data": [100.0, 0.0], "name": "background1", "modifiers": []}, { "data": [0.0, 100.0], "modifiers": [{"data": None, "name": "lumi", "type": "lumi"}], "name": "background2", }, ], } ], "parameters": [ { "auxdata": [1.0], "bounds": [[0.0, 10.0]], "inits": [1.0], "name": "lumi", "sigmas": [0.1], } ], } pdf = pyhf.pdf.Model(spec, poi_name="SigXsecOverSM") poi_slice = pdf.config.par_slice('SigXsecOverSM') lumi_slice = pdf.config.par_slice('lumi') index_bkg1 = pdf.config.samples.index('background1') index_bkg2 = pdf.config.samples.index('background2') index_sig = pdf.config.samples.index('signal') bkg1_slice = slice(index_bkg1, index_bkg1 + 1) bkg2_slice = slice(index_bkg2, index_bkg2 + 1) sig_slice = slice(index_sig, index_sig + 1) alpha_lumi = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.0, 1)[0] mods = [None, None, None] pars = [None, None] pars[poi_slice], pars[lumi_slice] = [[1.0], [1.0]] mods[sig_slice], mods[bkg1_slice], mods[bkg2_slice] = [ [[[1.0, 1.0]]], [[[1.0, 1.0]]], [[[1.0, 1.0]]], ] assert pdf._modifications(np.array(pars))[1][0].tolist() == [mods] assert pdf.expected_data(pars).tolist() == [120.0, 110.0, 1.0] pars[poi_slice], pars[lumi_slice] = [[1.0], [alpha_lumi]] mods[sig_slice], mods[bkg1_slice], mods[bkg2_slice] = [ [[[alpha_lumi, alpha_lumi]]], [[[1.0, 1.0]]], [[[alpha_lumi, alpha_lumi]]], ] assert pdf._modifications(np.array(pars))[1][0].tolist() == [mods] assert pytest.approx(pdf.expected_data(pars).tolist()) == [ 100 + 20.0 * alpha_lumi, 110.0 * alpha_lumi, 1.0 * alpha_lumi, ] def test_sample_wrong_bins(): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'channel', 'samples': [ {'name': 'goodsample', 'data': [1.0, 2.0], 'modifiers': []}, {'name': 'badsample', 'data': [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], 'modifiers': []}, ], } ] } with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.InvalidModel): pyhf.Model(spec) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'measurements, msettings', [ ( None, {'normsys': {'interpcode': 'code4'}, 'histosys': {'interpcode': 'code4p'}}, ) ], ) def test_unexpected_keyword_argument(measurements, msettings): spec = { "channels": [ { "name": "singlechannel", "samples": [ { "name": "signal", "data": [5.0, 10.0], "modifiers": [ {"name": "mu", "type": "normfactor", "data": None} ], }, { "name": "background", "data": [50.0, 60.0], "modifiers": [ { "name": "uncorr_bkguncrt", "type": "shapesys", "data": [5.0, 12.0], } ], }, ], } ] } with pytest.raises(pyhf.exceptions.Unsupported): pyhf.pdf._ModelConfig( spec, measurement_name=measurements, modifiers_settings=msettings ) def test_model_integration_fixed_parameters(): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'channel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'sample', 'data': [10.0], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'unfixed', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, { 'name': 'another_sample', 'data': [5.0], 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'mypoi', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, ], } ], 'parameters': [{'name': 'mypoi', 'inits': [1], 'fixed': True}], } model = pyhf.Model(spec, poi_name='mypoi') assert model.config.suggested_fixed()[model.config.par_slice('mypoi')] == [True] def test_model_integration_fixed_parameters_shapesys(): spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'channel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'sample', 'data': [10.0] * 3, 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'unfixed', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None}, {'name': 'uncorr', 'type': 'shapesys', 'data': [1.5] * 3}, ], }, { 'name': 'another_sample', 'data': [5.0] * 3, 'modifiers': [ {'name': 'mypoi', 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ], }, ], } ], 'parameters': [{'name': 'uncorr', 'inits': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 'fixed': True}], } model = pyhf.Model(spec, poi_name='mypoi') assert model.config.suggested_fixed()[model.config.par_slice('uncorr')] == [ True, True, True, ] def test_reproducible_model_spec(): ws = { "channels": [ { "name": "SR", "samples": [ { "data": [ 10.0, ], "modifiers": [ {"data": None, "name": "mu", "type": "normfactor"}, ], "name": "Signal", } ], } ], "measurements": [ { "config": { "parameters": [{"bounds": [[0, 5]], "inits": [1], "name": "mu"}], "poi": "mu", }, "name": "minimal_example", } ], "observations": [{"data": [12], "name": "SR"}], "version": "1.0.0", } workspace = pyhf.Workspace(ws) model_from_ws = workspace.model() assert model_from_ws.spec['parameters'] == [ {'bounds': [[0, 5]], 'inits': [1], 'name': 'mu'} ] assert pyhf.Model(model_from_ws.spec) def test_par_names_scalar_nonscalar(): """ Testing to ensure that nonscalar parameters are still indexed, even if n_parameters==1. """ spec = { 'channels': [ { 'name': 'channel', 'samples': [ { 'name': 'goodsample', 'data': [1.0], 'modifiers': [ {'type': 'normfactor', 'name': 'scalar', 'data': None}, {'type': 'shapesys', 'name': 'nonscalar', 'data': [1.0]}, ], }, ], } ] } model = pyhf.Model(spec, poi_name="scalar") assert model.config.par_order == ["scalar", "nonscalar"] assert model.config.par_names() == [ 'scalar', 'nonscalar[0]', ] def test_make_model_with_tensors(): def make_model( nominal, lumi_sigma, corrup_data, corrdn_data, stater_data, normsys_up, normsys_dn, uncorr_data, ): spec = { "channels": [ { "name": "achannel", "samples": [ { "name": "background", "data": nominal, "modifiers": [ {"name": "mu", "type": "normfactor", "data": None}, {"name": "lumi", "type": "lumi", "data": None}, { "name": "mod_name", "type": "shapefactor", "data": None, }, { "name": "corr_bkguncrt2", "type": "histosys", "data": { 'hi_data': corrup_data, 'lo_data': corrdn_data, }, }, { "name": "staterror2", "type": "staterror", "data": stater_data, }, { "name": "norm", "type": "normsys", "data": {'hi': normsys_up, 'lo': normsys_dn}, }, ], } ], }, { "name": "secondchannel", "samples": [ { "name": "background", "data": nominal, "modifiers": [ {"name": "mu", "type": "normfactor", "data": None}, {"name": "lumi", "type": "lumi", "data": None}, { "name": "mod_name", "type": "shapefactor", "data": None, }, { "name": "uncorr_bkguncrt2", "type": "shapesys", "data": uncorr_data, }, { "name": "corr_bkguncrt2", "type": "histosys", "data": { 'hi_data': corrup_data, 'lo_data': corrdn_data, }, }, { "name": "staterror", "type": "staterror", "data": stater_data, }, { "name": "norm", "type": "normsys", "data": {'hi': normsys_up, 'lo': normsys_dn}, }, ], } ], }, ], } model = pyhf.Model( { 'channels': spec['channels'], 'parameters': [ { 'name': 'lumi', 'auxdata': [1.0], 'bounds': [[0.5, 1.5]], 'inits': [1.0], "sigmas": [lumi_sigma], } ], }, validate=False, ) pars = model.config.suggested_init() exp_data = model.expected_data(pars) assert exp_data is not None make_model( pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([60.0, 62.0]), pyhf.tensorlib.astensor(0.2), pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([60.0, 62.0]), pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([60.0, 62.0]), pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5.0, 5.0]), pyhf.tensorlib.astensor(0.95), pyhf.tensorlib.astensor(1.05), pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5.0, 5.0]), )