This package implements a very simple multilayer perceptron network in Go, with gradient descent training via backpropagation.
Included is a simple example to train a 6 node network on the XOR function. Of course, the example doesn't output anything really impressive, just iterates until the mean squared error of the output is below a certain threshold for all training examples. Doesn't take long at all on my laptop, though.
The other example is mnist.go
, which is designed to train on the MNIST
handwritten digits dataset. I've got it up to over 96% accuracy in a few
epochs, like so:
$ wget -r -np -Agz
$ mv yann.lecun/exdb/mnist/*.gz .
$ for i in *gz; do gunzip $i; done
$ ./mnist -si train-images-idx3-ubyte \
-sl train-labels-idx1-ubyte \
-ti t10k-images-idx3-ubyte \
-tl t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte
I'm sure this codebase could easily be made to do better. See for more details on the dataset.
Mostly, I did this to experiment with building things in Go, and because I'd never actually successfully implemented backpropagation before. This code is Public Domain; do what you like with it. It is not guaranteed to work or to be useful for any purpose. Patches welcome!
San Francisco, CA
Written 2011/10/16, updated 2013/10/04