import argparse import math import os import sys import re from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import date import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from matplotlib import rc, rcParams, tri from numpy.core.numeric import identity from import loadmat from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, diags from scipy.sparse import hstack as sparse_hstack from torch import nn from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import OneCycleLR, _LRScheduler from import DataLoader from import tqdm try: from utils import * except: from galerkin_transformer.utils import * try: import as px import plotly.figure_factory as ff import plotly.graph_objects as go import as pio except ImportError as e: print('Please install Plotly for showing mesh and solutions.') current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) SRC_ROOT = os.path.dirname(current_path) MODEL_PATH = default(os.environ.get('MODEL_PATH'), os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'models')) DATA_PATH = default(os.environ.get('DATA_PATH'), os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'data')) FIG_PATH = default(os.environ.get('FIG_PATH'), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(SRC_ROOT), 'figures')) EPOCH_SCHEDULERS = ['ReduceLROnPlateau', 'StepLR', 'MultiplicativeLR', 'MultiStepLR', 'ExponentialLR', 'LambdaLR'] PI = math.pi SEED = default(os.environ.get('SEED'), 1127802) def clones(module, N): ''' Input: - module: nn.Module obj Output: - zip identical N layers (not stacking) Refs: - ''' return nn.ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(module) for _ in range(N)]) def csr_to_sparse(M): ''' Input: M: csr_matrix Output: torch sparse tensor Another implementation can be found in def sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor(sparse_mx): """Convert a scipy sparse matrix to a torch sparse tensor.""" sparse_mx = sparse_mx.tocoo().astype(np.float32) indices = torch.from_numpy( np.vstack((sparse_mx.row, sparse_mx.col)).astype(np.int64)) values = torch.from_numpy( shape = torch.Size(sparse_mx.shape) return torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indices, values, shape) ''' n, m = M.shape coo_ = M.tocoo() ix = torch.LongTensor([coo_.row, coo_.col]) M_t = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(ix, torch.from_numpy(, [n, m]) return M_t def pooling_2d(mat, kernel_size: tuple = (2, 2), method='mean', padding=False): '''Non-overlapping pooling on 2D data (or 2D data stacked as 3D array). mat: ndarray, input array to pool. (m, n) or (bsz, m, n) kernel_size: tuple of 2, kernel size in (ky, kx). method: str, 'max for max-pooling, 'mean' for mean-pooling. pad: bool, pad or not. If no pad, output has size n//f, n being size, f being kernel size. if pad, output has size ceil(n/f), padding is nan so when computing mean the 0 is counted Return : pooled matrix. Modified from to handle the case of batch edge matrices CC BY-SA 3.0 ''' m, n = mat.shape[-2:] ky, kx = kernel_size def _ceil(x, y): return int(np.ceil(x/float(y))) if padding: ny = _ceil(m, ky) nx = _ceil(n, kx) size = mat.shape[:-2] + (ny*ky, nx*kx) sy = (ny*ky - m)//2 sx = (nx*kx - n)//2 _sy = ny*ky - m - sy _sx = nx*kx - n - sx mat_pad = np.full(size, np.nan) mat_pad[..., sy:-_sy, sx:-_sx] = mat else: ny = m//ky nx = n//kx mat_pad = mat[..., :ny*ky, :nx*kx] new_shape = mat.shape[:-2] + (ny, ky, nx, kx) if method == 'max': result = np.nanmax(mat_pad.reshape(new_shape), axis=(-3, -1)) elif method == 'mean': result = np.nanmean(mat_pad.reshape(new_shape), axis=(-3, -1)) else: raise NotImplementedError("pooling method not implemented.") return result def quadpts(order=2): ''' ported from Long Chen's iFEM's quadpts ''' if order == 1: # Order 1, nQuad 1 baryCoords = [1/3, 1/3, 1/3] weight = 1 elif order == 2: # Order 2, nQuad 3 baryCoords = [[2/3, 1/6, 1/6], [1/6, 2/3, 1/6], [1/6, 1/6, 2/3]] weight = [1/3, 1/3, 1/3] elif order == 3: # Order 3, nQuad 4 baryCoords = [[1/3, 1/3, 1/3], [0.6, 0.2, 0.2], [0.2, 0.6, 0.2], [0.2, 0.2, 0.6]] weight = [-27/48, 25/48, 25/48, 25/48] elif order == 4: # Order 4, nQuad 6 baryCoords = [[0.108103018168070, 0.445948490915965, 0.445948490915965], [0.445948490915965, 0.108103018168070, 0.445948490915965], [0.445948490915965, 0.445948490915965, 0.108103018168070], [0.816847572980459, 0.091576213509771, 0.091576213509771], [0.091576213509771, 0.816847572980459, 0.091576213509771], [0.091576213509771, 0.091576213509771, 0.816847572980459], ] weight = [0.223381589678011, 0.223381589678011, 0.223381589678011, 0.109951743655322, 0.109951743655322, 0.109951743655322] return np.array(baryCoords), np.array(weight) def get_distance_matrix(node, graph=False): ''' Input: - Node: nodal coords - graph: bool, whether to return graph distance Output: - inverse distance matrices (linear and square) (batch_size, N, N, 2) ''' N = len(node) idx = np.arange(N) Ds = [] for i in range(len(idx)): if graph: d = np.abs(idx[i] - idx) else: d = np.abs(node[i] - node) Ds.append(d) Dss = [] if graph: Ds = np.array(Ds) + 1 Ds = 1 / Ds Ds = np.repeat(Ds, 1, axis=0) for i in [1, 2]: Dss.append(Ds ** i) else: Ds = np.array(Ds) max_distance = Ds.max() Ds /= (max_distance + 1e-8) Dss.append(np.exp(-Ds)) Ds = 1 / (1+Ds) Dss.append(Ds) Ds = np.stack(Dss, axis=2) return Ds def get_laplacian_1d(node, K=None, weight=None, # weight for renormalization normalize=True, smoother=None): ''' Construct the 1D Laplacian matrix on the domain defined by node. with a variable mesh size. Input: - node: array-like, shape (N, ) One dimensional mesh; or a positve integer. - normalize: apply D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} row and column scaling to the Laplacian Output: - A : scipy sparse matrix, shape (N, N) Laplacian matrix. Reference: Code adapted to 1D from the 2D one in Long Chen: iFEM: An innovative finite element method package in Matlab. Technical report, University of California-Irvine, 2009 ''' if isinstance(node, int): node = np.linspace(0, 1, node) N = node.shape[0] h = node[1:] - node[:-1] elem = np.c_[np.arange(N-1), np.arange(1, N)] Dphi = np.c_[-1/h, 1/h] if K is None: K = 1 # stiffness matrix A = csr_matrix((N, N)) for i in range(2): for j in range(2): # $A_{ij}|_{\tau} = \int_{\tau}K\nabla \phi_i\cdot \nabla \phi_j dxdy$ Aij = h*K*Dphi[:, i]*Dphi[:, j] A += csr_matrix((Aij, (elem[:, i], elem[:, j])), shape=(N, N)) if weight is not None: A += diags(weight) if normalize: D = diags(A.diagonal()**(-0.5)) A = ( if smoother == 'jacobi': I = identity(N) A = I-(2/3)*A # jacobi A = csr_matrix(A) elif smoother == 'gs': raise NotImplementedError("Gauss-seidel not implemented") return A def get_mass_1d(node, K=None, normalize=False): ''' Construct the 1D Mass matrix on the domain defined by node. with a variable mesh size. Input: - node: array-like, shape (N, ) One dimensional mesh. - normalize: apply D^{-1/2} M D^{-1/2} row and column scaling to the mass matrix Output: - M : scipy sparse matrix, shape (N, N), mass matrix. Reference: Code adapted to 1D from the 2D one in Long Chen: iFEM: An innovative finite element method package in Matlab. Technical report, University of California-Irvine, 2009 ''' if isinstance(node, int): node = np.linspace(0, 1, node) N = node.shape[0] h = node[1:] - node[:-1] elem = np.c_[np.arange(N-1), np.arange(1, N)] if K is None: K = 1 # mass matrix M = csr_matrix((N, N)) for i in range(2): for j in range(2): # $M_{ij}|_{\tau} = \int_{\tau}K \phi_i \cdot \phi_j dx$ \ Mij = h*K*((i == j)+1)/6 M += csr_matrix((Mij, (elem[:, i], elem[:, j])), shape=(N, N)) if normalize: D = diags(M.diagonal()**(-0.5)) M = ( return M def showmesh(node, elem, **kwargs): triangulation = tri.Triangulation(node[:, 0], node[:, 1], elem) markersize = 3000/len(node) if kwargs.items(): h = plt.triplot(triangulation, 'b-h', **kwargs) else: h = plt.triplot(triangulation, 'b-h', linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5, markersize=markersize) return h def showsolution(node, elem, u, **kwargs): ''' show 2D solution either of a scalar function or a vector field on triangulations ''' markersize = 3000/len(node) if u.ndim == 1: # (N, ) uplot = ff.create_trisurf(x=node[:, 0], y=node[:, 1], z=u, simplices=elem, colormap="Viridis", # similar to matlab's default colormap showbackground=True, show_colorbar=False, aspectratio=dict(x=1, y=1, z=1), ) fig = go.Figure(data=uplot) elif u.ndim == 2 and u.shape[1] == 2: # (N, 2) if u.shape[0] == elem.shape[0]: u /= (np.abs(u)).max() node = node[elem].mean(axis=1) uplot = ff.create_quiver(x=node[:, 0], y=node[:, 1], u=u[:, 0], v=u[:, 1], scale=.2, arrow_scale=.5, name='gradient of u', line_width=1, ) fig = go.Figure(data=uplot) if 'template' not in kwargs.keys(): fig.update_layout(template='plotly_dark', margin=dict(l=5, r=5, t=5, b=5), **kwargs) else: fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=5, r=5, t=5, b=5), **kwargs) def showsurf(x, y, z, **kwargs): ''' show 2D solution either of a scalar function or a vector field on a meshgrid x, y, z: (M, N) matrix ''' uplot = go.Surface(x=x, y=y, z=z, colorscale='Viridis', showscale=False), fig = go.Figure(data=uplot) if 'template' not in kwargs.keys(): fig.update_layout(template='plotly_dark', margin=dict(l=5, r=5, t=5, b=5), **kwargs) else: fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=5, r=5, t=5, b=5), **kwargs) def showcontour(z, **kwargs): ''' show 2D solution z of its contour ''' uplot = go.Contour(z=z, colorscale='RdYlBu', line_smoothing=0.85, line_width=0.1, contours=dict( coloring='heatmap', # showlabels=True, ) ) fig = go.Figure(data=uplot, layout={'xaxis': {'title': 'x-label', 'visible': False, 'showticklabels': False}, 'yaxis': {'title': 'y-label', 'visible': False, 'showticklabels': False}},) fig.update_traces(showscale=False) if 'template' not in kwargs.keys(): fig.update_layout(template='plotly_dark', margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), **kwargs) else: fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), **kwargs) return fig def showresult(result=dict(), title=None, result_type='convergence', u=None, uh=None, grid=None, elem=None): rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']}) rc('text', usetex=True)'grade3', context='notebook', ticks=True, grid=False) if result_type == 'convergence': loss_train = result['loss_train'] loss_val = result['loss_val'] train_label = r"$\mathrm{Train}: {E}\left( \displaystyle\|u_f - u_h\|_{\alpha, h, 1} \right)$" plt.semilogy(loss_train, label=train_label) val_label = r'$\mathrm{Valid}: \|T_f - T_h\|_{-1, V_h}$' plt.semilogy(loss_val, label=val_label) plt.grid(True, which="both", ls="--") plt.legend(fontsize='x-large') if title == 'fourier': title_str = r"$\mathrm{Fourier}\ \mathrm{transformer}$" elif title == 'galerkin': title_str = r"$\mathrm{Galerkin}\ \mathrm{transformer}$" elif title == 'spectral': title_str = r"$\mathrm{Fourier}\ \mathrm{neural}\ \mathrm{operator}$" else: title_str = r"$\mathrm{Loss}\ \mathrm{result}$" plt.title(title_str, fontsize='xx-large') elif result_type == 'solutions': sample_len = len(u) i = np.random.choice(sample_len) u = u[i].cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) uh = uh[i].cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) showsolution(grid, elem, u, template='seaborn', width=600, height=500) showsolution(grid, elem, uh, template='seaborn', width=600, height=500,) def get_model_name(model='burgers', num_encoder_layers=4, n_hidden=96, attention_type='fourier', layer_norm=True, grid_size=512, inverse_problem=False, additional_str: str = '', ): model_name = 'burgers_' if model == 'burgers' else 'darcy_' if inverse_problem: model_name += 'inv_' model_name += str(grid_size)+'_' if attention_type == 'fourier': attn_str = f'{num_encoder_layers}ft_' elif attention_type == 'galerkin': attn_str = f'{num_encoder_layers}gt_' elif attention_type == 'linear': attn_str = f'{num_encoder_layers}lt_' elif attention_type == 'softmax': attn_str = f'{num_encoder_layers}st_' else: attn_str = f'{num_encoder_layers}att_' model_name += attn_str model_name += f'{n_hidden}d_' ln_str = 'ln_' if layer_norm else 'qkv_' model_name += ln_str if additional_str: model_name += additional_str _suffix = str( if model_name[-1] == '_': result_name = model_name + _suffix + '.pkl' model_name += _suffix + '.pt' else: result_name = model_name + '_' + _suffix + '.pkl' model_name += '_' + _suffix + '.pt' return model_name, result_name def get_args_1d(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Example 1: Burgers equation') parser.add_argument('--subsample', type=int, default=4, metavar='subsample', help='input sampling from 8192 (default: 4 i.e., 2048 grid)') parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=8, metavar='bsz', help='input batch size for training (default: 8)') parser.add_argument('--val-batch-size', type=int, default=4, metavar='bsz', help='input batch size for validation (default: 4)') parser.add_argument('--attention-type', type=str, default='fourier', metavar='attn_type', help='input attention type for encoders (possile: fourier (alias integral, local), galerkin (alias global), softmax (official PyTorch implementation), linear (standard Q(K^TV) with softmax), default: fourier)') parser.add_argument('--xavier-init', type=float, default=0.01, metavar='xavier_init', help='input Xavier initialization strength for Q,K,V weights (default: 0.01)') parser.add_argument('--diagonal-weight', type=float, default=0.01, metavar='diagonal weight', help='input diagonal weight initialization strength for Q,K,V weights (default: 0.01)') parser.add_argument('--ffn-dropout', type=float, default=0.0, metavar='ffn_dropout', help='dropout for the FFN in attention (default: 0.0)') parser.add_argument('--encoder-dropout', type=float, default=0.0, metavar='encoder_dropout', help='dropout after the scaled dot-product in attention (default: 0.0)') parser.add_argument('--decoder-dropout', type=float, default=0.0, metavar='decoder_dropout', help='dropout for the decoder layers (default: 0.0)') parser.add_argument('--layer-norm', action='store_true', default=False, help='use the conventional layer normalization') parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=100, metavar='N', help='number of epochs to train (default: 100)') parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.001, metavar='LR', help='max learning rate (default: 0.001)') parser.add_argument('--gamma', type=float, default=0.1, metavar='regularizer', help='strength of gradient regularizer (default: 0.1)') parser.add_argument('--no-cuda', action='store_true', default=False, help='disables CUDA training') parser.add_argument('--show-batch', action='store_true', default=False, help='show batch training result') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=SEED, metavar='Seed', help='random seed (default: 1127802)') return parser.parse_args() def get_args_2d(subsample_nodes=3, subsample_attn=10, gamma=0.5, noise=0.0, ffn_dropout=0.1, encoder_dropout=0.05, decoder_dropout=0.0, dropout=0.0, inverse=False, **kwargs): if inverse: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Example 3: inverse coefficient identification problem for Darcy interface flow') else: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Example 2: Darcy interface flow') n_grid = int(((421 - 1)/subsample_nodes) + 1) n_grid_c = int(((421 - 1)/subsample_attn) + 1) parser.add_argument('--subsample-nodes', type=int, default=subsample_nodes, metavar='subsample', help=f'input fine grid sampling from 421x421 (default: {subsample_nodes} i.e., {n_grid}x{n_grid} grid)') parser.add_argument('--subsample-attn', type=int, default=6, metavar='subsample_attn', help=f'input coarse grid sampling from 421x421 (default: {subsample_attn} i.e., {n_grid_c}x{n_grid_c} grid)') parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=4, metavar='bsz', help='input batch size for training (default: 4)') parser.add_argument('--val-batch-size', type=int, default=4, metavar='bsz', help='input batch size for validation (default: 4)') parser.add_argument('--attention-type', type=str, default='galerkin', metavar='attn_type', help='input attention type for encoders (possile: fourier (alias integral, local), galerkin (alias global), softmax (official PyTorch implementation), linear (standard Q(K^TV) with softmax), default: galerkin)') parser.add_argument('--noise', type=float, default=noise, metavar='noise', help=f'strength of noise imposed (default: {noise})') parser.add_argument('--xavier-init', type=float, default=1e-2, metavar='xavier_init', help='input Xavier initialization strength for Q,K,V weights (default: 0.01)') parser.add_argument('--diagonal-weight', type=float, default=1e-2, metavar='diagonal weight', help='input diagonal weight initialization strength for Q,K,V weights (default: 0.01)') parser.add_argument('--ffn-dropout', type=float, default=ffn_dropout, metavar='ffn_dropout', help=f'dropout for the FFN in attention (default: {ffn_dropout})') parser.add_argument('--encoder-dropout', type=float, default=encoder_dropout, metavar='encoder_dropout', help=f'dropout after the scaled dot-product in attention (default: {encoder_dropout})') parser.add_argument('--dropout', type=float, default=dropout, metavar='dropout', help=f'dropout before the decoder layers (default: {dropout})') parser.add_argument('--decoder-dropout', type=float, default=decoder_dropout, metavar='decoder_dropout', help=f'dropout in the decoder layers (default: {decoder_dropout})') parser.add_argument('--layer-norm', action='store_true', default=False, help='use the conventional layer normalization') parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=100, metavar='N', help='number of epochs to train (default: 100)') parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=1e-3, metavar='LR', help='max learning rate (default: 0.001)') parser.add_argument('--gamma', type=float, default=gamma, metavar='regularizer', help=f'strength of gradient regularizer (default: {gamma})') parser.add_argument('--no-scale-factor', action='store_true', default=False, help='use size instead of scale factor in interpolation') parser.add_argument('--no-cuda', action='store_true', default=False, help='disables CUDA training') parser.add_argument('--show-batch', action='store_true', default=False, help='show batch training result') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=SEED, metavar='Seed', help='random seed (default: 1127802)') return parser.parse_args() def train_batch_burgers(model, loss_func, data, optimizer, lr_scheduler, device, grad_clip=0.999): optimizer.zero_grad() x, edge = data["node"].to(device), data["edge"].to(device) pos, grid = data['pos'].to(device), data['grid'].to(device) out_ = model(x, edge, pos, grid) if isinstance(out_, dict): out = out_['preds'] y_latent = out_['preds_latent'] elif isinstance(out_, tuple): out = out_[0] y_latent = None target = data["target"].to(device) u, up = target[..., 0], target[..., 1] if out.size(2) == 2: u_pred, up_pred = out[..., 0], out[..., 1] loss, reg, ortho, _ = loss_func( u_pred, u, up_pred, up, preds_latent=y_latent) elif out.size(2) == 1: u_pred = out[..., 0] loss, reg, ortho, _ = loss_func( u_pred, u, targets_prime=up, preds_latent=y_latent) loss = loss + reg + ortho loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), grad_clip) optimizer.step() if lr_scheduler: lr_scheduler.step() try: up_pred = out[..., 1] except: up_pred = u_pred return (loss.item(), reg.item(), ortho.item()), u_pred, up_pred def validate_epoch_burgers(model, metric_func, valid_loader, device): model.eval() metric_val = [] for _, data in enumerate(valid_loader): with torch.no_grad(): x, edge = data["node"].to(device), data["edge"].to(device) pos, grid = data['pos'].to(device), data['grid'].to(device) out_ = model(x, edge, pos, grid) if isinstance(out_, dict): u_pred = out_['preds'][..., 0] elif isinstance(out_, tuple): u_pred = out_[0][..., 0] target = data["target"].to(device) u = target[..., 0] _, _, _, metric = metric_func(u_pred, u) try: metric_val.append(metric.item()) except: metric_val.append(metric) return dict(metric=np.mean(metric_val, axis=0)) def train_batch_darcy(model, loss_func, data, optimizer, lr_scheduler, device, grad_clip=0.99): optimizer.zero_grad() a, x, edge = data["coeff"].to(device), data["node"].to( device), data["edge"].to(device) pos, grid = data['pos'].to(device), data['grid'].to(device) u, gradu = data["target"].to(device), data["target_grad"].to(device) # pos is for attention, grid is the finest grid out_ = model(x, edge, pos=pos, grid=grid) if isinstance(out_, dict): out = out_['preds'] elif isinstance(out_, tuple): out = out_[0] if out.ndim == 4: u_pred, pred_grad, target = out[..., 0], out[..., 1:], u[..., 0] loss, reg, _, _ = loss_func(u_pred, target, pred_grad, gradu, K=a) elif out.ndim == 3: u_pred, u = out[..., 0], u[..., 0] loss, reg, _, _ = loss_func(u_pred, u, targets_prime=gradu, K=a) loss = loss + reg loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), grad_clip) optimizer.step() if lr_scheduler: lr_scheduler.step() try: up_pred = out[..., 1:] except: up_pred = u_pred return (loss.item(), reg.item()), u_pred, up_pred def validate_epoch_darcy(model, metric_func, valid_loader, device): model.eval() metric_val = [] for _, data in enumerate(valid_loader): with torch.no_grad(): x, edge = data["node"].to(device), data["edge"].to(device) pos, grid = data['pos'].to(device), data['grid'].to(device) out_ = model(x, edge, pos=pos, grid=grid) if isinstance(out_, dict): out = out_['preds'] elif isinstance(out_, tuple): out = out_[0] u_pred = out[..., 0] target = data["target"].to(device) u = target[..., 0] _, _, metric, _ = metric_func(u_pred, u) try: metric_val.append(metric.item()) except: metric_val.append(metric) return dict(metric=np.mean(metric_val, axis=0)) def run_train(model, loss_func, metric_func, train_loader, valid_loader, optimizer, lr_scheduler, train_batch=None, validate_epoch=None, epochs=10, device="cuda", mode='min', tqdm_mode='batch', patience=10, grad_clip=0.999, start_epoch: int = 0, model_save_path=MODEL_PATH, save_mode='state_dict', # 'state_dict' or 'entire' model_name='', result_name=''): loss_train = [] loss_val = [] loss_epoch = [] lr_history = [] it = 0 if patience is None or patience == 0: patience = epochs start_epoch = start_epoch end_epoch = start_epoch + epochs best_val_metric = -np.inf if mode == 'max' else np.inf best_val_epoch = None save_mode = 'state_dict' if save_mode is None else save_mode stop_counter = 0 is_epoch_scheduler = any(s in str(lr_scheduler.__class__) for s in EPOCH_SCHEDULERS) tqdm_epoch = False if tqdm_mode == 'batch' else True with tqdm(total=end_epoch-start_epoch, disable=not tqdm_epoch) as pbar_ep: for epoch in range(start_epoch, end_epoch): model.train() with tqdm(total=len(train_loader), disable=tqdm_epoch) as pbar_batch: for batch in train_loader: if is_epoch_scheduler: loss, _, _ = train_batch(model, loss_func, batch, optimizer, None, device, grad_clip=grad_clip) else: loss, _, _ = train_batch(model, loss_func, batch, optimizer, lr_scheduler, device, grad_clip=grad_clip) loss = np.array(loss) loss_epoch.append(loss) it += 1 lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] lr_history.append(lr) desc = f"epoch: [{epoch+1}/{end_epoch}]" if loss.ndim == 0: # 1 target loss _loss_mean = np.mean(loss_epoch) desc += f" loss: {_loss_mean:.3e}" else: _loss_mean = np.mean(loss_epoch, axis=0) for j in range(len(_loss_mean)): if _loss_mean[j] > 0: desc += f" | loss {j}: {_loss_mean[j]:.3e}" desc += f" | current lr: {lr:.3e}" pbar_batch.set_description(desc) pbar_batch.update() loss_train.append(_loss_mean) # loss_train.append(loss_epoch) loss_epoch = [] val_result = validate_epoch( model, metric_func, valid_loader, device) loss_val.append(val_result["metric"]) val_metric = val_result["metric"].sum() if mode == 'max': if val_metric > best_val_metric: best_val_epoch = epoch best_val_metric = val_metric stop_counter = 0 else: stop_counter += 1 else: if val_metric < best_val_metric: best_val_epoch = epoch best_val_metric = val_metric stop_counter = 0 if save_mode == 'state_dict':, os.path.join( model_save_path, model_name)) else:, os.path.join( model_save_path, model_name)) best_model_state_dict = { k:'cpu') for k, v in model.state_dict().items()} best_model_state_dict = OrderedDict(best_model_state_dict) else: stop_counter += 1 if lr_scheduler and is_epoch_scheduler: if 'ReduceLROnPlateau' in str(lr_scheduler.__class__): lr_scheduler.step(val_metric) else: lr_scheduler.step() if stop_counter > patience: print(f"Early stop at epoch {epoch}") break if val_result["metric"].ndim == 0: desc = color( f"| val metric: {val_metric:.3e} ", else: metric_0, metric_1 = val_result["metric"][0], val_result["metric"][1] desc = color( f"| val metric 1: {metric_0:.3e} ", desc += color(f"| val metric 2: {metric_1:.3e} ", desc += color( f"| best val: {best_val_metric:.3e} at epoch {best_val_epoch+1}", color=Colors.yellow) desc += color(f" | early stop: {stop_counter} ", desc += color(f" | current lr: {lr:.3e}", color=Colors.magenta) if not tqdm_epoch: tqdm.write("\n"+desc+"\n") else: desc_ep = color("", if _loss_mean.ndim == 0: # 1 target loss desc_ep += color(f"| loss: {_loss_mean:.3e} ", else: for j in range(len(_loss_mean)): if _loss_mean[j] > 0: desc_ep += color( f"| loss {j}: {_loss_mean[j]:.3e} ", desc_ep += desc pbar_ep.set_description(desc_ep) pbar_ep.update() result = dict( best_val_epoch=best_val_epoch, best_val_metric=best_val_metric, loss_train=np.asarray(loss_train), loss_val=np.asarray(loss_val), lr_history=np.asarray(lr_history), # best_model=best_model_state_dict, optimizer_state=optimizer.state_dict() ) save_pickle(result, os.path.join(model_save_path, result_name)) return result class ProfileResult: def __init__(self, result_file, num_iters=1, cuda=True) -> None: ''' Hard-coded result computation based on torch.autograd.profiler text printout, only works PyTorch 1.8 and 1.9 ''' self.columns = ['Name', 'Self CPU %', 'Self CPU', 'CPU total %', 'CPU total', 'CPU time avg', 'Self CUDA', 'Self CUDA %', 'CUDA total', 'CUDA time avg', 'CPU Mem', 'Self CPU Mem', 'CUDA Mem', 'Self CUDA Mem', '# of Calls', 'GFLOPS'] self.df = pd.read_csv(result_file, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=range(5), header=None) self.num_iters=num_iters self.cuda = cuda self._clean_df() def _clean_df(self): df = self.df if self.cuda: df.loc[:, 16] = df.loc[:, 16].astype(str) + df.loc[:, 17] df.loc[:, 14] = df.loc[:, 14].astype(str) + df.loc[:, 15] df.loc[:, 12] = df.loc[:, 12].astype(str) + df.loc[:, 13] df.loc[:, 10] = df.loc[:, 10].astype(str) + df.loc[:, 11] df = df.drop(columns=[11, 13, 15, 17]) if self.cuda else df.drop(columns=[11, 13]) self.cpu_time_total = df.iloc[-2, 4] if self.cuda: self.cuda_time_total = df.iloc[-1, 4] df = df[:-3].copy() df.columns = self.columns self.df = df def compute_total_mem(self, col_names): total_mems = [] for col_name in col_names: total_mem = 0 col_vals = self.df[col_name].values for val in col_vals: if val[-2:] == 'Gb': total_mem += self.get_str_val(val[:-2]) elif val[-2:] == 'Mb': total_mem += self.get_str_val(val[:-2])/1e3 total_mems.append(round(total_mem, 2)) return total_mems def compute_total_time(self, col_names): total_times = [] for col_name in col_names: total_time = 0 col_vals = self.df[col_name].values for val in col_vals: if val[-2:] == 'ms': total_time += float(val[:-2]) elif val[-2:] == 'us': total_time += float(val[:-2])/1e3 total_times.append(round(total_time, 2)) return total_times def compute_total(self, col_names): totals = [] for col_name in col_names: total = 0 col_vals = self.df[col_name].values for val in col_vals: if val[-1].isnumeric(): total += float(val) totals.append(round(total, 2)) return totals def print_total_mem(self,col_names): total_mems = self.compute_total_mem(col_names) for i, col_name in enumerate(col_names): print(f"{col_name} total: {total_mems[i]} GB") def print_total(self,col_names): totals = self.compute_total(col_names) for i, col_name in enumerate(col_names): print(f"{col_name} total: {totals[i]}") def print_total_time(self): print(f"# of backprop iters: {self.num_iters}") print(f"CPU time total: {self.cpu_time_total}") if self.cuda: print(f"CUDA time total: {self.cuda_time_total}") def print_flop_per_iter(self, flops_col: list): totals = self.compute_total(flops_col) cuda_time_total = re.findall( r'\d+\.*\d*', self.cuda_time_total)[0] for i, col in enumerate(flops_col): print(f"{col}*time per iteration: {totals[i]*float(cuda_time_total)/self.num_iters}") @staticmethod def get_str_val(string): if string[0] == '-': return -float(string[1:]) else: return float(string) if __name__ == '__main__': get_seed(42)