# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby ts=2 sw=2 expandtab : # frozen_string_literal: true require 'ipaddr' if File.exists?('vagrant_config.rb') require_relative 'vagrant_config' else DEBUG = 'false' RHSM_USERNAME = '' RHSM_PASSWORD = '' RHSM_POOL = '' end # $ ipcalc # Network: # Netmask: = 28 # Broadcast: # # Address space: Private Use # Address class: Class B # HostMin: # HostMax: # Hosts/Net: 14 CONTROL_PLANE_IP = '' CONTROL_PLANE_NETMASK = '' CONTROL_PLANE_NETWORK = { :ip => CONTROL_PLANE_IP, :netmask => CONTROL_PLANE_NETMASK, # This seems to be set incorrectly (to an address outside the ip/netmask # range) when using auto-configuration with Vagrant 2.1.2. Setting it to the # value that would be auto-configured when using current Vagrant 'master' # works just fine. # See # https://github.com/hashicorp/vagrant/blob/v2.1.2/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/network.rb#L326 # and # https://github.com/hashicorp/vagrant/blob/1e1c398de565ed0aab9631cfad2db6e1dac82d7f/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/network.rb#L317 # or https://github.com/hashicorp/vagrant/pull/7699 :dhcp_upper => IPAddr.new(CONTROL_PLANE_IP).mask(CONTROL_PLANE_NETMASK).to_range.last(2).first.to_s, } # Bigger network for the workload plane. However, we only allow DHCP to allocate # in the first /28 network (similar to CONTROL_PLANE_NETWORK), and the other # half is used for the LB VIPs. # # $ ipcalc # Network: # Netmask: = 27 # Broadcast: # # Address space: Private Use # Address class: Class B # HostMin: # HostMax: # Hosts/Net: 30 WORKLOAD_PLANE_IP = '' WORKLOAD_PLANE_NETMASK = '' WORKLOAD_PLANE_DHCP_RANGE = '' # This leaves .47 - .62 for LB VIPs WORKLOAD_PLANE_NETWORK = { :ip => WORKLOAD_PLANE_IP, :netmask => WORKLOAD_PLANE_NETMASK, # Need to explicitly set this value, otherwise the DHCP server could allocate # addresses we reserve for the LB VIPs :dhcp_upper => IPAddr.new(WORKLOAD_PLANE_IP).mask(WORKLOAD_PLANE_DHCP_RANGE).to_range.last(2).first.to_s, } def prefixlen(s) s.split('.').map{ |p| p.to_i.to_s(2) }.join.count('1') end IMPORT_RELEASE = <<-SCRIPT #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail RC=0 source /vagrant/_build/root/product.txt die() { echo 1>&2 $@ exit 1 } echo "Installing build artifacts on the host" mkdir -p /srv/scality || die "Failed to create /srv/scality" rm -f "/srv/scality/metalk8s-$VERSION" || die "Failed to unlink symlink destination" ln -s /vagrant/_build/root "/srv/scality/metalk8s-$VERSION" || die "Failed to create symlink" echo "Installed build artifacts on the host" echo "Disabling swap" swapoff -a echo "Swap disabled" exit $RC SCRIPT PRESHARED_SSH_KEY_NAME = 'preshared_key_for_k8s_nodes' IMPORT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = <<-SCRIPT #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail echo "Deploying preshared SSH private key on the host" mkdir -p /etc/metalk8s/pki/ cp /vagrant/.vagrant/#{PRESHARED_SSH_KEY_NAME} /etc/metalk8s/pki/ echo "Deployed preshared SSH private key on the host" SCRIPT BOOTSTRAP = <<-SCRIPT #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail source /vagrant/_build/root/product.txt if ! test -x "/srv/scality/metalk8s-$VERSION/bootstrap.sh"; then echo 1>&2 "Bootstrap script not found in build directory." echo 1>&2 "Did you run 'make'?" exit 1 fi echo "Creating bootstrap configuration" cat > /etc/metalk8s/bootstrap.yaml << EOF apiVersion: metalk8s.scality.com/v1alpha3 kind: BootstrapConfiguration networks: controlPlane: cidr: #{CONTROL_PLANE_IP}/#{prefixlen(CONTROL_PLANE_NETMASK)} workloadPlane: cidr: #{WORKLOAD_PLANE_IP}/#{prefixlen(WORKLOAD_PLANE_NETMASK)} ca: minion: bootstrap archives: - /srv/scality/metalk8s-$VERSION debug: #{DEBUG} EOF echo "Launching bootstrap" exec "/srv/scality/metalk8s-$VERSION/bootstrap.sh" SCRIPT CREATE_VOLUMES = File.read(__dir__ + "/eve/create-volumes.sh") DEPLOY_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY = <<-SCRIPT #!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail if ! grep -Fxq "$(cat .ssh/#{PRESHARED_SSH_KEY_NAME}.pub)" .ssh/authorized_keys ; then cat .ssh/#{PRESHARED_SSH_KEY_NAME}.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys fi SCRIPT UPDATE_REPO = 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt update -yq' INSTALL_PYTHON = 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install python -yq' RHSM_REGISTER = <<-SCRIPT #!/bin/bash set -eu if ! [[ "#{RHSM_USERNAME}" && "#{RHSM_PASSWORD}" && "#{RHSM_POOL}" ]]; then echo "You must set RHSM_USERNAME, RHSM_PASSWORD & RHSM_POOL" \ "in vagrant_config.rb in order to spawn VM on RedHat." >&2 exit 1 fi subscription-manager register --username="#{RHSM_USERNAME}" \ --password="#{RHSM_PASSWORD}" subscription-manager attach --pool="#{RHSM_POOL}" . /etc/os-release case "${VERSION_ID%%.*}" in 7) subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms \ --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms ;; 8) subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms \ --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms ;; esac SCRIPT RHSM_UNREGISTER = 'subscription-manager unregister || true' EXPORT_KUBECONFIG = 'echo KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf >> /etc/environment' # To support CentOS / RHEL 8, we need at least a version 2.2 # https://github.com/hashicorp/vagrant/commit/ff021fcab404c95e52566bfca4207da9c0101e01 Vagrant.require_version(">= 2.2") def declare_bootstrap(machine, os_data) machine.vm.box = os_data[:name] machine.vm.box_version = os_data[:version] machine.vm.hostname = "bootstrap" machine.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.memory = 4086 v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--audio", "none"] machine.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "virtualbox" end if os_data.fetch(:scripts, []).each do |script| machine.vm.provision script[:name], type: script[:type], inline: script[:data] end end if os_data.fetch(:triggers_before, []).each do |trigger| machine.trigger.before trigger[:on].to_sym, info: trigger[:info], run_remote: trigger[:run], on_error: :continue end end machine.vm.provision "import-release", type: "shell", inline: IMPORT_RELEASE machine.vm.provision "import-ssh-private-key", type: "shell", inline: IMPORT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY machine.vm.provision "bootstrap", type: "shell", inline: BOOTSTRAP machine.vm.provision "export-kubeconfig", type: "shell", inline: EXPORT_KUBECONFIG machine.vm.provision "create-volumes", type: "shell", inline: CREATE_VOLUMES machine end Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| os_data = { centos: { name: 'centos/7', version: '1811.02' }, centos_8: { name: 'centos/8', version: '2011.0' }, ubuntu: { name: 'ubuntu/bionic64', version: '20190514.0.0', scripts: [ { name: 'update-repository-list', type: 'shell', data: UPDATE_REPO, }, { name: 'install-python', type: 'shell', data: INSTALL_PYTHON } ] }, redhat_7: { name: 'generic/rhel7', version: '1.9.36', scripts: [ { name: 'rhsm-register', type: 'shell', data: RHSM_REGISTER } ], triggers_before: [ { on: 'destroy', info: 'Unregistering host from RHSM', run: {inline: RHSM_UNREGISTER} } ] }, redhat_8: { name: 'generic/rhel8', version: '3.1.16', scripts: [ { name: 'rhsm-register', type: 'shell', data: RHSM_REGISTER } ], triggers_before: [ { on: 'destroy', info: 'Unregistering host from RHSM', run: {inline: RHSM_UNREGISTER} } ] } } config.vm.box = os_data[:centos][:name] config.vm.box_version = os_data[:centos][:version] config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.linked_clone = true v.memory = 2048 v.cpus = 2 v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--chipset", "ich9", "--audio", "none"] end config.vm.network "private_network", type: :dhcp, nic_type: 'virtio', **CONTROL_PLANE_NETWORK config.vm.network "private_network", type: :dhcp, nic_type: 'virtio', **WORKLOAD_PLANE_NETWORK config.vm.define :bootstrap, primary: true do |machine| declare_bootstrap machine, os_data[:centos] end config.vm.define :bootstrap_centos_8, autostart: false do |machine| declare_bootstrap machine, os_data[:centos_8] end config.vm.define :bootstrap_ubuntu, autostart: false do |machine| declare_bootstrap machine, os_data[:ubuntu] end config.vm.define :bootstrap_redhat_7, autostart: false do |machine| declare_bootstrap machine, os_data[:redhat_7] end config.vm.define :bootstrap_redhat_8, autostart: false do |machine| declare_bootstrap machine, os_data[:redhat_8] end os_data.each do |os, os_data| (1..5).each do |i| node_name = "#{os}-#{i}" config.vm.define node_name, autostart: false do |node| node.vm.box = os_data[:name] node.vm.box_version = os_data[:version] node.vm.hostname = node_name node.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true # No need for Guest Additions since there is no synced folder node.vbguest.auto_update = false node.vm.provision "copy-ssh-public-key", type: "file", source: ".vagrant/#{PRESHARED_SSH_KEY_NAME}.pub", destination: ".ssh/#{PRESHARED_SSH_KEY_NAME}.pub" node.vm.provision "add-ssh-public-key-to-authorized-keys", type: "shell", inline: DEPLOY_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY if os_data.fetch(:scripts, []).each do |script| node.vm.provision script[:name], type: script[:type], inline: script[:data] end end if os_data.fetch(:triggers_before, []).each do |trigger| node.trigger.before trigger[:on].to_sym, info: trigger[:info], run_remote: trigger[:run], on_error: :continue end end end end end end