GOOS_VALUES := linux darwin windows GOOS_BINARIES := $(foreach goos,$(GOOS_VALUES),out/main-$(goos)) GOOS_EXES := $(foreach goos,$(GOOS_VALUES),$(if $(filter windows,$(goos)),out/main-$(goos),out/main-$(goos))) GITHUB_REPO := VERSION ?= $(shell git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) SEMANTIC_VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=1 --dirty 2> /dev/null) GIT_COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) DOCKER_IMG ?= "logstash-exporter" # ****************************** NOTE ****************************** # # Commands description was made using the following syntax: # # # # # # To write command description use "#:" before command definition # # ****************************************************************** # #: Builds binary executables for all OS (Win, Darwin, Linux) all: $(GOOS_BINARIES) VERSIONINFO_PKG := pkg/config ldflags := -s -w \ -X '$(GITHUB_REPO)/$(VERSIONINFO_PKG).Version=$(VERSION)' \ -X '$(GITHUB_REPO)/$(VERSIONINFO_PKG).SemanticVersion=$(SEMANTIC_VERSION)' \ -X '$(GITHUB_REPO)/$(VERSIONINFO_PKG).GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT)' \ -X '$(GITHUB_REPO)/$(VERSIONINFO_PKG).BuildDate=$(shell date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z)' out/main-%: CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$* go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags="$(ldflags)" -o out/main-$* cmd/exporter/main.go #: Runs the Go Exporter application run: go run cmd/exporter/main.go #: Builds a binary executable for Linux build-linux: out/main-linux #: Builds a binary executable for Darwin build-darwin: out/main-darwin #: Builds a binary executable for Windows build-windows: out/main-windows #: Builds a binary executable for Linux ARM build-linux-arm: CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags="$(ldflags)" -o out/main-linux-arm cmd/exporter/main.go #: Builds a Docker image for the Go Exporter application build-docker: docker build -t $(DOCKER_IMG) --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) --build-arg GIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT) . # Builds for Linux X86, Apple Silicon/AWS Graviton. Requires docker buildx (Docker 19.03+) #: Builds a multi-arch Docker image (`amd64` and `arm64`) build-docker-multi: docker buildx build --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t $(DOCKER_IMG) --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) --build-arg GIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT) . #: Deletes all binary executables in the out directory clean: rm -f $(GOOS_EXES) #: Runs all tests test: go test -race -v ./... #: Displays test coverage report test-coverage: go test -race -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... go tool cover -html=coverage.out #: Starts a Docker-compose configuration compose: docker-compose up -d --build #: Starts a Docker-compose configuration until it's ready wait-for-compose: docker-compose up -d --wait #: Stops a Docker-compose configuration compose-down: docker-compose down #: Verifies the metrics from the Go Exporter application verify-metrics: ./scripts/ #: Pulls the Docker image from the registry pull: docker-compose pull #: Shows logs from the Docker-compose configuration logs: docker-compose logs -f #: Minifies the binary executables minify: upx -9 $(GOOS_EXES) #: Installs readme-generator-for-helm tool install-helm-readme: ./scripts/ #: Generates Helm chart file helm-readme: ./scripts/ #: Cleans Elasticsearch data. The command may take a very long time to complete clean-elasticsearch: @echo "Cleaning up Elasticsearch indices..." @ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=$${ELASTICSEARCH_PORT:-9200} ;\ indices=$$(curl -s -X GET "http://localhost:$$ELASTICSEARCH_PORT/_cat/indices?h=index" | grep -E 'logstash-*') ;\ for index in $$indices ; do \ echo "Deleting documents from index $$index..." ;\ curl -X POST "http://localhost:$$ELASTICSEARCH_PORT/$$index/_delete_by_query?conflicts=proceed" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"query": {"match_all": {}}}' ;\ echo "Completed deleting documents from index $$index." ;\ done @echo "Cleanup completed." #: Cleans Prometheus data clean-prometheus: @PROMETHEUS_PORT=$${PROMETHEUS_PORT:-9090} ;\ set -euo pipefail ;\ echo "Deleting series from Prometheus..." ;\ ALL_SERIES=$$(curl -Ss http://localhost:$$PROMETHEUS_PORT/api/v1/label/__name__/values | jq -r '.data[]') ;\ for series in $$ALL_SERIES ; do \ echo "Deleting series $$series..." ;\ encodedSeries=$$(printf '%s' "$$series" | jq -sRr @uri) ;\ curl -X POST "http://localhost:$$PROMETHEUS_PORT/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]=$$encodedSeries" ;\ echo "Completed deleting series $$series." ;\ done #: Upgrades all dependencies upgrade-dependencies: go get -u ./... go mod tidy #: Migrates configuration from v1 to v2 migrate-v1-to-v2: ./scripts/ #: Update Makefile descriptions in main update-readme-descriptions: ./scripts/ #: Updates snapshot for test data and runs tests update-snapshots: UPDATE_SNAPS=true go test ./... #: Shows info about available commands help: @grep -B1 -E "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:([^\=]|$$)" Makefile \ | grep -v -- -- \ | sed "N;s/\n/###/" \ | sed -n "s/^#: \(.*\)###\(.*\):.*/\2###\1/p" \ | column -t -s "###" .DEFAULT_GOAL := run