MapQuery unable to exit when wrong input is inputted #5373
When using the mapquery function with wrong inputs such as not returning umap model in the previous step or putting the wrong columns in the refdata variable, the function just shows the error and the function get stuck there, instead of ending the function. I have to kill my R process everytime to exit.
torkencz commentedon Dec 10, 2021
Can you provide more information on the session you are running and maybe the code as well.
yuhanH commentedon Dec 10, 2021
We also notice that if you put wrong input into
, it will be ending normally. We are working on it.yuhanH commentedon Dec 16, 2021
hi @Chengwei94
In the latest version seurat (4.0.6), when you put wrong input,
should just return the error commentedon Dec 24, 2021
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