# Latex *.dvi *.fls *.ptb *.aux *.log *.pdf *.gz *.synctex(busy) *.bbl *.fdb_latexmk *.blg *.glg *.glo *.gls *.glsdefs *.ist *.out *.toc *.bcf *.run.xml *.thm auto # Cabal .ghc.environment* tags dist-newstyle dist cabal-dev .cabal-sandbox/ cabal.sandbox.config cabal.config cabal.project.local # Stack .stack-work stack.yaml.lock # Haskell output files *.o *.hi *.dyn_o *.dyn_hi *.chi *.chs.h *.prof .liquid/ # Agda *.agdai # Python __pycache__ # Nix result* pkgs/.cabal pkgs/.cache pkgs/.stack # Editor files *~ *# *_flymake.* .psc-ide-port .dir-locals.el *.code-workspace # Frontend generated files (NPM/Yarn, Spago, generated PS, etc.) # N.B. officially we use NPM; ignoring Yarn files allows the local use of Yarn for those that want **/generated **/generated/ **/generated-docs/ **/node_modules/ **/output/ **/yarn-error.log **/yarn.lock **/.psci_modules/ **/.psc-package/ **/.psc-package2nix/ **/.spago/ **/.spago2nix/ # Backend config files marlowe-dashboard-client/plutus-pab.yaml marlowe-playground-server/playground.yaml plutus-playground-server/playground.yaml plutus-pab/plutus-pab.yaml # Misc .history/ .virtualenv .vscode/ .hsenv TAGS .DS_Store .uuid .terraform *.tfvars gh-pages .importify/ .envrc .direnv/ *.db *.db-shm *.db-wal hie.yaml node-server.sock node.sock **/node?/db .pre-commit-config.yaml secrets/*/.gpg-id ghcid.txt