Extension repository of Selected App
- AIChat is an extension for communicating with AI, allowing users to directly inquire OpenAI or Gemini's GPT by selecting text. Requires Selected app v0.2.2-beta12. It supports five function callings.
- AICommand is an extension which converts natural language to shell commands.
- AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, and punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
- Sticky is an extension for creating sticky notes.
- Translation is an extension that uses AI to translate selected text."
- UnixTimestamp is an extension used to convert Unix timestamps into dates.
- XcodeFormat is an extension that formats Xcode code by executing ctr-i.
git clone https://github.com/sakeven/Selected-Extensions.git
open Selected-Extensions
Read the README.md of the required extension package.
Then click on the required extension package to automatically install it.