package pack import ( "context" "fmt" "math/rand" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type Lifecycle interface { Execute(ctx context.Context, opts build.LifecycleOptions) error } type BuildOptions struct { Image string // required Builder string // required AppPath string // defaults to current working directory RunImage string // defaults to the best mirror from the builder metadata or AdditionalMirrors AdditionalMirrors map[string][]string // only considered if RunImage is not provided Env map[string]string Publish bool NoPull bool ClearCache bool Buildpacks []string ProxyConfig *ProxyConfig // defaults to environment proxy vars ContainerConfig ContainerConfig } type ProxyConfig struct { HTTPProxy string HTTPSProxy string NoProxy string } type ContainerConfig struct { Network string } func (c *Client) Build(ctx context.Context, opts BuildOptions) error { imageRef, err := c.parseTagReference(opts.Image) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid image name '%s'", opts.Image) } appPath, err := c.processAppPath(opts.AppPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid app path '%s'", opts.AppPath) } proxyConfig := c.processProxyConfig(opts.ProxyConfig) builderRef, err := c.processBuilderName(opts.Builder) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid builder '%s'", opts.Builder) } rawBuilderImage, err := c.imageFetcher.Fetch(ctx, builderRef.Name(), true, !opts.NoPull) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to fetch builder image '%s'", builderRef.Name()) } bldr, err := c.getBuilder(rawBuilderImage) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid builder '%s'", opts.Builder) } runImageName := c.resolveRunImage(opts.RunImage, imageRef.Context().RegistryStr(), bldr.Stack(), opts.AdditionalMirrors) runImage, err := c.validateRunImage(ctx, runImageName, opts.NoPull, opts.Publish, bldr.StackID) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid run-image '%s'", runImageName) } var runMixins []string if _, err := dist.GetLabel(runImage, stack.MixinsLabel, &runMixins); err != nil { return err } fetchedBPs, group, err := c.processBuildpacks(ctx, opts.Buildpacks) if err != nil { return err } if err := c.validateMixins(fetchedBPs, bldr, runImageName, runMixins); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "validating stack mixins") } ephemeralBuilder, err := c.createEphemeralBuilder(rawBuilderImage, opts.Env, group, fetchedBPs) if err != nil { return err } defer c.docker.ImageRemove(context.Background(), ephemeralBuilder.Name(), types.ImageRemoveOptions{Force: true}) lcPlatformAPIVersion := ephemeralBuilder.LifecycleDescriptor().API.PlatformVersion supportsPlatform := false for _, v := range build.SupportedPlatformAPIVersions { if api.MustParse(v).SupportsVersion(lcPlatformAPIVersion) { supportsPlatform = true break } } if !supportsPlatform { c.logger.Debugf("pack %s supports Platform API version(s): %s", cmd.Version, strings.Join(build.SupportedPlatformAPIVersions, ", ")) c.logger.Debugf("Builder %s has Platform API version: %s", style.Symbol(opts.Builder), lcPlatformAPIVersion) return errors.Errorf("Builder %s is incompatible with this version of pack", style.Symbol(opts.Builder)) } return c.lifecycle.Execute(ctx, build.LifecycleOptions{ AppPath: appPath, Image: imageRef, Builder: ephemeralBuilder, RunImage: runImageName, ClearCache: opts.ClearCache, Publish: opts.Publish, HTTPProxy: proxyConfig.HTTPProxy, HTTPSProxy: proxyConfig.HTTPSProxy, NoProxy: proxyConfig.NoProxy, Network: opts.ContainerConfig.Network, }) } func (c *Client) processBuilderName(builderName string) (name.Reference, error) { if builderName == "" { return nil, errors.New("builder is a required parameter if the client has no default builder") } return name.ParseReference(builderName, name.WeakValidation) } func (c *Client) getBuilder(img imgutil.Image) (*builder.Builder, error) { bldr, err := builder.FromImage(img) if err != nil { return nil, err } if bldr.Stack().RunImage.Image == "" { return nil, errors.New("builder metadata is missing runImage") } return bldr, nil } func (c *Client) validateRunImage(context context.Context, name string, noPull bool, publish bool, expectedStack string) (imgutil.Image, error) { if name == "" { return nil, errors.New("run image must be specified") } img, err := c.imageFetcher.Fetch(context, name, !publish, !noPull) if err != nil { return nil, err } stackID, err := img.Label("") if err != nil { return nil, err } if stackID != expectedStack { return nil, fmt.Errorf("run-image stack id '%s' does not match builder stack '%s'", stackID, expectedStack) } return img, nil } func (c *Client) validateMixins(additionalBuildpacks []dist.Buildpack, bldr *builder.Builder, runImageName string, runMixins []string) error { if err := stack.ValidateMixins(bldr.Image().Name(), bldr.Mixins(), runImageName, runMixins); err != nil { return err } bps, err := allBuildpacks(bldr.Image(), additionalBuildpacks) if err != nil { return err } mixins := assembleAvailableMixins(bldr.Mixins(), runMixins) for _, bp := range bps { if err := bp.EnsureStackSupport(bldr.StackID, mixins, true); err != nil { return err } } return nil } // assembleAvailableMixins returns the set of mixins that are common between the two provided sets, plus build-only mixins and run-only mixins. func assembleAvailableMixins(buildMixins, runMixins []string) []string { // NOTE: We cannot simply union the two mixin sets, as this could introduce a mixin that is only present on one stack // image but not the other. A buildpack that happens to require the mixin would fail to run properly, even though validation // would pass. // // For example: // // Incorrect: // Run image mixins: [A, B] // Build image mixins: [A] // Merged: [A, B] // Buildpack requires: [A, B] // Match? Yes // // Correct: // Run image mixins: [A, B] // Build image mixins: [A] // Merged: [A] // Buildpack requires: [A, B] // Match? No buildOnly := stack.FindStageMixins(buildMixins, "build") runOnly := stack.FindStageMixins(runMixins, "run") _, _, common := stringset.Compare(buildMixins, runMixins) return append(common, append(buildOnly, runOnly...)...) } func allBuildpacks(builderImage imgutil.Image, additionalBuildpacks []dist.Buildpack) ([]dist.BuildpackDescriptor, error) { var all []dist.BuildpackDescriptor var bpLayers builder.BuildpackLayers if _, err := dist.GetLabel(builderImage, builder.BuildpackLayersLabel, &bpLayers); err != nil { return nil, err } for id, bps := range bpLayers { for ver, bp := range bps { desc := dist.BuildpackDescriptor{ Info: dist.BuildpackInfo{ ID: id, Version: ver, }, Stacks: bp.Stacks, Order: bp.Order, } all = append(all, desc) } } for _, bp := range additionalBuildpacks { all = append(all, bp.Descriptor()) } return all, nil } func (c *Client) processAppPath(appPath string) (string, error) { var ( resolvedAppPath string err error ) if appPath == "" { if appPath, err = os.Getwd(); err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "get working dir") } } if resolvedAppPath, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(appPath); err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "evaluate symlink") } if resolvedAppPath, err = filepath.Abs(resolvedAppPath); err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "resolve absolute path") } fi, err := os.Stat(resolvedAppPath) if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "stat file") } if !fi.IsDir() { fh, err := os.Open(resolvedAppPath) if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "read file") } defer fh.Close() isZip, err := archive.IsZip(fh) if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "check zip") } if !isZip { return "", errors.New("app path must be a directory or zip") } } return resolvedAppPath, nil } func (c *Client) processProxyConfig(config *ProxyConfig) ProxyConfig { var ( httpProxy, httpsProxy, noProxy string ok bool ) if config != nil { return *config } if httpProxy, ok = os.LookupEnv("HTTP_PROXY"); !ok { httpProxy = os.Getenv("http_proxy") } if httpsProxy, ok = os.LookupEnv("HTTPS_PROXY"); !ok { httpsProxy = os.Getenv("https_proxy") } if noProxy, ok = os.LookupEnv("NO_PROXY"); !ok { noProxy = os.Getenv("no_proxy") } return ProxyConfig{ HTTPProxy: httpProxy, HTTPSProxy: httpsProxy, NoProxy: noProxy, } } func (c *Client) processBuildpacks(ctx context.Context, buildpacks []string) ([]dist.Buildpack, dist.OrderEntry, error) { group := dist.OrderEntry{Group: []dist.BuildpackRef{}} var bps []dist.Buildpack for _, bp := range buildpacks { if isBuildpackID(bp) { id, version := c.parseBuildpack(bp) group.Group = append(group.Group, dist.BuildpackRef{ BuildpackInfo: dist.BuildpackInfo{ ID: id, Version: version, }, }) } else { err := ensureBPSupport(bp) if err != nil { return nil, dist.OrderEntry{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "checking buildpack path") } blob, err := c.downloader.Download(ctx, bp) if err != nil { return nil, dist.OrderEntry{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "downloading buildpack from %s", style.Symbol(bp)) } fetchedBP, err := dist.NewBuildpack(blob) if err != nil { return nil, dist.OrderEntry{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "creating buildpack from %s", style.Symbol(bp)) } bps = append(bps, fetchedBP) group.Group = append(group.Group, dist.BuildpackRef{ BuildpackInfo: fetchedBP.Descriptor().Info, }) } } return bps, group, nil } func isBuildpackID(bp string) bool { if !paths.IsURI(bp) { if _, err := os.Stat(bp); err != nil { return true } } return false } func ensureBPSupport(bpPath string) (err error) { p := bpPath if paths.IsURI(bpPath) { var u *url.URL u, err = url.Parse(bpPath) if err != nil { return err } if u.Scheme == "file" { p, err = paths.URIToFilePath(bpPath) if err != nil { return err } } } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && !paths.IsURI(p) { isDir, err := paths.IsDir(p) if err != nil { return err } if isDir { return fmt.Errorf("buildpack %s: directory-based buildpacks are not currently supported on Windows", style.Symbol(bpPath)) } } return nil } func (c *Client) parseBuildpack(bp string) (string, string) { parts := strings.Split(bp, "@") if len(parts) == 2 { if parts[1] == "latest" { c.logger.Warn("@latest syntax is deprecated, will not work in future releases") return parts[0], "" } return parts[0], parts[1] } return parts[0], "" } func (c *Client) createEphemeralBuilder(rawBuilderImage imgutil.Image, env map[string]string, group dist.OrderEntry, buildpacks []dist.Buildpack) (*builder.Builder, error) { origBuilderName := rawBuilderImage.Name() bldr, err := builder.New(rawBuilderImage, fmt.Sprintf("pack.local/builder/%x:latest", randString(10))) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid builder %s", style.Symbol(origBuilderName)) } bldr.SetEnv(env) for _, bp := range buildpacks { bpInfo := bp.Descriptor().Info c.logger.Debugf("Adding buildpack %s version %s to builder", style.Symbol(bpInfo.ID), style.Symbol(bpInfo.Version)) bldr.AddBuildpack(bp) } if len(group.Group) > 0 { c.logger.Debug("Setting custom order") bldr.SetOrder([]dist.OrderEntry{group}) } if err := bldr.Save(c.logger); err != nil { return nil, err } return bldr, nil } func randString(n int) string { b := make([]byte, n) for i := range b { b[i] = 'a' + byte(rand.Intn(26)) } return string(b) }