A c++17 networking library.
A socket adds RAII style c++ interface to a system socket
A buffered_socket adds i/o buffering to a socket.
A socket_listener can be attached to a buffered_socket for i/o events.
A socket_factory implementation should create a new socket type for a server.
An async_server is a server that will run sockets in an i/o thread loop.
A polling_server is a server that executes i/o synchronously for each socket in intervals.
You can use cmake to generate for the build system of your choice.
mkdir debug; cd debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make test
options supported are:
-DENABLE_COVERAGE=OFF : enable code coverage using lcov
-DENABLE_MEMCHECK=OFF : enable valgrind memory checking on tests
-DWITH_CURL=ON : enable curl usage for http client
-DWITH_SSL=ON : enable sockets with OpenSSL support
-DWITH_URIPARSER=ON : enable uriparser library for parsing (otherwise will do its own)
* create connections and listen to connection events
class example_factory : public coda::net:socket_factory, public coda::net::buffered_socket_listener,
public enable_shared_from_this<example_factory>
/* creates a client on a new connection and adds a listener */
socket_factory::socket_type create_socket(const socket_factory::server_type &server,
SOCKET sock, const sockaddr_in &addr) {
// create a new socket
auto sock = std::make_shared<buffered_socket>(sock, addr);
// sets the socket the same as the server blocking mode
// add this instance as a listener
return sock;
void on_did_read(const socket_type &sock) {
// TODO: Perform input parsing here
cout << "read from client socket" << endl;
void on_did_write(const socket_type &sock) {
// TODO: Perform post i/o actions here
cout << "wrote to client socket" << endl;
void on_connect(const socket_type &sock) {
// TODO: Perform initialization here
cout << "client socket connected" << endl;
int main() {
/* create a factory */
std::shared_ptr<example_factory> mySocketFactory = std::make_shared<example_factory>();
/* create a server */
coda::net::async_server example_server(1337, mySocketFactory);
/* start running */
/* wait till done */
while(example_server.is_valid()) {
return 0;
int main() {
/* create a factory */
std::shared_ptr<example_factory> mySocketFactory = std::make_shared<example_factory>();
/* create a server */
coda::net::polling_server example_server(1337, mySocketFactory);
/* start running */
return 0;
A very basic implementation of an HTTP client. Was intended to quickly test:
http::client client("api.somehost.com/version/resource/id");
// get some resource
client.get([](const http_response &response) {
cout << response.code() << ": " << response << endl;
http::client client("https://api.somehost.com/version/resource/id");
map<string,string> data = {{"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}};
client.add_header(http::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
auto response = client.post().response();
cout << response.code() << ": " << response << endl;
jest is a simple command line util for testing REST services. It will remember your last request (headers,etc), leaving you free to just specify the path.
- more socket RFC implementations (SMTP, WebSockets)
- more testing