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base repository: ryanofsky/bitcoin
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base: 58ff41e
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head repository: ryanofsky/bitcoin
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compare: 05f9770
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  • 1 commit
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 8, 2020

  1. doc: Clarify developer notes about constant naming

    I'm pretty sure developer notes were intended to say constants should be upper
    case and variables should be lower case, but right now they are ambiguous about
    whether to write:
    // foo.h
    extern const int SYMBOL;
    // foo.cpp
    const int SYMBOL = 1;
    // foo.h
    extern const int g_symbol;
    // foo.cpp
    const int g_symbol = 1;
    First convention above is better than the second convention because it tells
    you without having to look anything up that the value of `SYMBOL` will never
    change at runtime. Also I've never seen any c++ project anywhere using the
    second convention
    ryanofsky committed Apr 8, 2020
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    05f9770 View commit details