= About Source Code From 0 to Spring Security 4.0 = Running with Gradle 1. Ensure you have java installed 2. cd spring-security-0-to-4.0 3. Start the application with ./gradlew bootRun or .\gradlew.bat bootRun Browse to http://localhost:8080/ = Running the sample project in Spring Tool Suite The following provides information on setting up a development environment that can run the sample in http://www.springsource.org/sts[Spring Tool Suite 3.6.0+]. Other IDE's should work using Gradle's IDE support, but have not been tested. * IDE Setup * Install Spring Tool Suite 3.6.0+ * You will need the following plugins installed (can be found on the Extensions Page) * Gradle Eclipse * Importing the project into Spring Tool Suite * File->Import...->Gradle Project * Right click the sample.Application class and select Run As->Java Application The sample will be available at http://localhost:8080/